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      Hey beautiful people, it's been a while. I hope you are all doing well? Enjoy ;)

      Aaliyah didn't have strength to admire the hotel as she just walked beside Skyler who was holding onto her hand, after checking in and getting their room key they stepped into the elevator which took them to the 20th floor  where their room was.
      Skyler opened the door and walked into the room turning the light, the room was a big one with a master bed which was arranged neatly, the hotel gifted them a free buffet as a wedding gift.
      "Your things are in the wardrobe so you can shower so we can pray" Skyler said making Aaliyah to smile, her heart warmed at his words. It was wonderful that he remembered that.
      She opened the wardrobe and pulled out a full cover night dress and made her way to the rest room, which was as magnificent as the room. She began to remove her jewelries  and wipe off her makeup. After she was done she tried to pull the zipper of the dress but it seemed it was struck making her struggle with it.
    A tired sigh left her lips as she finally gave up, this wasn't something she could do on her own. Opening the restroom door her eyes met with Skyler's who was about to take something from the wardrobe.
      "Is there a problem?" He asked seeing she was still in her wedding dress.
      This was going to be hard Aaliyah said to herself. "I can't open the zipper of my dress" she said fast.
      "Oh alright, I can help you with that" Skyler said as Aaliyah stood in front of him her back facing him.
     She waited in painful silence as he undid the zipper with ease, the cold breeze hit her bare back as the dress sprung open. Aaliyah turned red as she hurried back into the restroom closing the day behind her.
     After calming her racing heart, she pulled off the dress completely and took a long smoothing shower, after that she wore her night wear which was silk trousers and a long sleeved button up shirt. She looked around for a scarf to cover her hair but realized she hadn't taken any to the restroom.
    What scarf was she thinking about? Skyler was her husband so there was no need covering her hair she said to herself. Thanking a brush was in the dresser so she ran the brush through her long silky black hair.
     Taking a deep breath she opened the door and walked out the room and she immediately noticed Skyler moving closer to her.
     "Liya" The way he pronounced her name made her look at him, now he was standing so close to her that she was sure he could hear her heart beating hard in her chest.
     He raised his finger to touch the edge of her hair as he looked at her. It was surprising how seeing her hair for the first time made his heart swell, he took a handful of hair and brought it to his nose. He closed his eyes engulfing himself in her scent.
      Aaliyah could feel heat radiating from him that how close he stood behind her. Without seeing him she knew what he was doing.
     "You have such beautiful hair" He whispered, his mouth close to her ear making warmth fill her.
      "Thank you" She answered, feeling his fingers brushing her shoulder. "Skyler" she turned around to face him and that was a terrible mistake because he was an inch away from her now.
      She could literally smell his minty breath, his eyes capturing her, holding her hostage as she could not move, look away or speak.
      His hand moved from her shoulder to her cheek, caressing it with the back of his fingers and slowly his fingers moved from her cheek as he brushed her button lip with his fingers. Aaliyah drew in a deep breath as she shivered from his touch, she could see his orbs darken from her action and she felt too.
       His eyes moved from her eyes to her lips as he moved closer to her, covering the space between them. A knock on their door broke their trance making Aaliyah take a few steps backwards.
     Skyler was displeased by the disturbance, "You can go use the restroom, I will check who that is" Aaliyah suggested, Skyler nodded as he walked into the bathroom.
     She grabbed a hijab and made her way to the door apparently the room services brought them cakes and non alcoholic wine which was a gift from the hotel.
     Aaliyah thanked the woman and closed the door placing the gifts on the bed, just then Skyler walked out of the bathroom wearing black sport pants and a white shirt, she could see the tattoo on his arm sipping out.
     "Are you ready?" He asked her as he dried his hair with a towel.
       "Yes i am" Aaliyah responded almost immediately, she wanted to pray and sleep because she couldn't handle the tension between them.
      They said their prayers and offered thanks to Allah for their lives and that of their families, then they both read the Quran for a while before preparing for bed.
       They removed the pillows from the bed just leaving only two for each of them. Aaliyah didn't know if this was a good idea as she had never had anyone sleep on her bed with her.
      "Don't worry my lady, I won't touch you without your consent so you can sleep peacefully". Skyler said
      "Oh..okay, thank you". She climbed the bed and laid turning her back to him. She felt him turn a couple of times and she could tell he wasn't comfortable too.

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