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        Hey loves, this was difficult to write cause I have not attended a nikkah before so I really don't know the whole process so this is my idea of how it goes. Anyways hope you're all doing well, Enjoy ❤️

       Raising the glass to her lips Aaliyah gulped down the water down her throat, she had drank three cups of water now. Why? She was very nervous as she sat in front of the mirror watching herself as the  makeup artist did wonders to her face. She was certain she would not be able to recognize herself when it was all done.
         Her eyes went to the clock and it read 9:45am, the nikkah ceremony was starting by 10am and she was still at home painting her face. She did not want to do this but her mother and cousin made her do this.
      "You have to hurry up with that I am running behind time" Aaliyah told her cousin who was chewing con some sweets.
      "Calm down Liya. You still have a lot of time and it's totally hallowed for you to arrive late. Let your husband wait it's more exciting that way" Her cousin said nonchalantly.
      "You can make your own husband wait for a day if you like but I don't want to keep him waiting" Aaliyah retorted.
      "Well, you can stand up and leave looking like a clown or sit still until she is done with your makeup" Her cousin said with a proud smirk,
     Aaliyah who knew she couldn't find a response to her cousins words just rolled her eyes and decided to wait patiently until her makeup and hair was done.
      After a painful hour, Aaliyah was finally ready to leave for her nikkah, her dress was so heavy that she thought she would fall over due to its weight. She had to hold the button of the dress just to be able to walk properly the last thing she needed was falling and embarrassing herself and her husband.
      Her hair was pinned tightly and neatly behind her while a white veil was on her head. Her dress had long sleeves which had lace at the edge, the upper part of the dress was hugged tightly around her while the lower part was like a ball dress, full and  flowing down the ground, there were pearls imprinted on the dress giving it an elegant finishing.
        "Hey sis, you look beautiful" Malik said as he walked towards her, he looked handsome wearing a black two piece suit.
        "Thank you very much Mally" Aaliyah replied, a lot of emotions were beginning to stir up in her just looking at her brother.
        "Please don't cry and ruin my makeup, you look so beautiful I don't want you to ruin it and look like a clown". Malik joked making her laugh.
        "Thank you very much for everything, I pray Allah continues to bless you and your family. You are the best brother in the world and I would always thank Allah for giving me you as a brother". Aaliyah said
     "Now, you're going to make me cry" He pulled her in a tight hug, gently stroking her back. "I can't believe this is happening. I miss you" He said.
      "I am going to miss you too". They started like that for a while letting their love for each other comfort them before they pulled away.
      "Lets not keep your husband waiting for any longer". Malik said with a smile as Aaliyah nodded in agreement.
     It was a five minutes drive to the mosque where the nikkah would be held, everywhere was already filled up as they waited for the arrival of the bride. Malik held his sister hand as he walked her to where she was going to be sat, with her head bent down she sat down and beside her was her husband but their was a veil separating them so they could not see each other, her heart was beating hard in her chest as the Iman gave a brief lectures to the couples.
      "Do you Skyler Anthony take Aaliyah Salman as your wife and partner?" The Iman asked Skyler, there was a moment of silence before he spoke. "Yes I do, I do, I do" He replied confidently.
      "Do you Aaliyah Salman take Skyler Anthony as your husband and partner?" The Iman asked Aaliyah. It took her a moment to find her voice as silence filled the mosque, "Yes I do, I do, I do" she answered.
      A nikkah form was passed to Aaliyah by the Iman with a pen by its side, placing the paper on the table Aaliyah picked up the pen with shaking hands and wrote her name and signature before placing the pen back on the small table.
       The Iman picked it up and stared at it making sure everything was perfectly done. "You both have been made husband and wife in the sight of Allah and man, congratulations and May Allah bless your Union" The crowd went loud saying, "Ameen"
      Congratulations and cheers filled the room as the veil between them was pulled away giving them full view of each other.
     Aaliyah slowly turned to look at Skyler and her breath was caught in her throat. He was looking even more handsome than ever, his beards were short and neatly trimmed, his hair was held in a low pony tail and the suit he was wearing looked like it was tailored for him.
       "Assalaamu Alaikum beautiful" He said breaking the silence between them.
       "Waalaikum Salaam" Aaliyah responded with a shy smile.
       They were both pulled away by families for pictures, with took a while before they were led to the hall for the reception which was fun as many activities and games were played by the couples, friends and family.
       The sky had darkened as the party was coming to an end and it was time for the groom to leave with his bride. Skyler and Aaliyah's families walked them out of the hall to where his car was waiting.
      "My baby is all grown up and I am so proud of you" Aminat said as she placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead before wrapping her in a tight hug.
     "I will miss you mum" Aaliyah tried so much to hold her tears in but she couldn't as they escaped her eyes.
      "I will miss you to my dear daughter, I love you so much and may Allah continue to bless you" Aminat placed another kiss on her daughter's forehead wiping the tear drop from her face.
      "Ameen, Thank you mum. I love you too" Aaliyah said flashing her mother a sad smile.
      "Take care of yourself Liya, we will always be here for you whenever you need us" Malik was the one to speak now as he also pulled them both for a hug.
      They stayed together tor a while before their cousins came to send their blessings and goodbye.
    After all the goodbyes and tears, Aaliyah was finally leaving with her new husband. 
    "I made a reservation at a hotel not far from here, we can stay there tonight and go back home tomorrow if that's okay with you" Skyler explained to her gently caressing her hand with his thumb.
     "Yes, it's good with me" She whispered before resting her head to the side, she was exhausted and drained physically and mentally, she couldn't wait to lay down and rest her aching bones.

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