Chapter 7

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Nat's POV
(Friday day of Hannah's party)

I came back from school luckily it was the last day of school finally done with my sophomore year

When I walked into my house I saw the Jacks there well of course my brother and Sam where there

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey how was your day" asked Nate

"It was good well I'm gonna go get my stuff remember I'm staying over Hannah's" I said
Oh yea" he said

I walked up the stairs into my room and started to pick out an outfit

I heard a knock on the door

"Come in" I said

I turn around and it was Jack

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I said

"Where you going?" He asked me

"Going to go sleep over at my friends" I said

"Doesn't look like your going to a sleep over with the clothes your packing" he laughed

"Alright she's gonna have a party at her house if you want to come but don't tell Nate" I said

"I won't and I'll see if I can" he said


"Well I'm gonna go back downstairs before Nate gets suspicious" he said

"Ok see ya later" I said

He gave me a kiss and walked out

I got a text message so I opened it

From Hannah:
I'm outside

To Hannah:
Come inside real quick I need to see my outfit

From Hannah
Alright coming

I walked downstairs to open the front door

"Hey" she said

"Come up here." I said

She walked up stairs with me

"so what do you think of the outfit" I said

"Dude it's perfect it's gonna look great on you" she said

"Ok let's get going" I said

I grabbed my bag

"Nate I'm leaving" I yelled

"Come here real quick" he said

Hannah followed me

"What" I said

"You aren't gonna give me a hug" he said

I went to give him a hug and the rest of the guys

"Oh guys and by the way this is my best friend Hannah" I said

"Hi" she waved at them

They all waved back

"Well we are leaving now bye"

We walked out to Hannah's car

"Dude Nate's friends are hot" she said

" I haven't told you yet but I kind of have a thing going on with one of them"

"Omg let me guess it's Sam" she said

"No he moved in with us not to long ago it's Jack the one with the dark brown hair" I said

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