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I looked at myself in the reflection of the elevator, straightening my attire. I brushed down my ironed dress shirt and pants, everything had to be perfect. I couldn't afford to not get this internship, it was the tenth try and at this point I was desperate for anything. The elevator came to a stop and I took a deep breath, waiting for the metal doors to open.

They slowly slid apart and the soft buzz of keyboards, phone calls, and printers filled my ears. I walked up to the front receptionist, he was touching up his eyebrows in a small handheld mirror. I cleared my throat adjusting my black bag on my arm before speaking, "Kathleen Davis I'm here—"

"I know." He put his mirror down and began typing on the computer. I exhaled softly and looked around trying to get a feel of the office, "He'll be with you in a minute Ms. Davis, take a seat over by the wall there."

I smiled and whispered a small thanks, taking a seat by the wall. My phone buzzed and I read over the text that came up with a small grin. "Coffee?" I looked up and an older looking brunette was in front of me holding what she offered. I declined one of the garden themed foam cups, too jittery for caffeine. "I'm Michelle."

She held out a hand and I shook it, "Kathleen."

"Kathleen." My name was recited again, a deeper voice with bass calling me out. I glanced over to see a tall black haired man, his defined muscles poking out of his black dress shirt. He stood with his hands in the pockets of his grey pants, "Come in."

I stood up, stepping out of Michelle's vicinity and walking towards the man. "Kathleen Davis I'm here—"

"I know." He held out his hand and I slipped mine in his, "Roman Sterling, let's see if you have what we need Ms. Davis." I stared into his brown colored eyes and felt something churn inside me. I brushed off the feeling, I had to be wrong.

He invited me inside his office and closed the door behind us. I looked around as he went over to take a seat behind his desk. The manilla colored room was plain, a few decorative plants, and furniture filling the decent sized space. I took a seat on one of the leather chairs that was placed in front of his desk. I placed my bag on my lap, "So what do you need Mr. Sterling?"

He chuckled, "Straight to the point." He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, "I like that."

I shrugged and could feel the nerves ease away at the calming energy he emitted, "So it's safe to say you could potentially like me?" The energy was strong.

I had him grinning again, "Yes potentially." He leaned forward letting his intertwined hands rest atop his desk, "What can you offer to Sterling Inc Kathleen?"

It was all or nothing. "My dedication is one thing, which opens doors for many of my other strong characteristics." I named them all and to my surprise he sat there and listened. He listened to everything that I had to say, the other employers didn't. "I think my natural tendency to lead is the most important."

He hummed, "They were all equally important, it was nice to see and hear you talk about yourself." He stood up, "You're confident in your ability to perform, which shows that you'll reflect that in your work." He slowly came over and leaned back on the front of his desk.

"Glad you could recognize that." We stared at each other, and a sudden thickness settled in the longer we did. I didn't let up on the eye contact, "So did I pass?"

He shrugged and pushed himself off the desk coming over. He rested his hands on the arms of the chair I sat on. I didn't back away at the close proximity, his breath hitting my nose, "Did you?"

I inched closer, "I'd like to think I did." He smirked and I stood up, causing him to back up. I turned him around and sat him down in my seat, my hand still holding his shoulder. I slipped out of my black pumps and lifted my leg, putting it beside him, "So did I?"

I watched as his eyes ran down my propped leg, "What else can you offer Sterling Inc Kathleen?"

I leaned forward and he bit his lip, I was right earlier. I hovered beside his ear, "What can you offer me?" I backed up so that I could look into his eyes. He was avoiding contact with mine, "Look at me Mr. Sterling."

He slowly lifted his gaze and I licked my lips at the look in his eyes. He whispered, "A job and control."

I leaned my head slightly to the side smiling slightly, "Who said I wanted control, hmmm?" I ran my manicured hands down his chest, "Tell me Roman..." I settled my hand on top of the front of his pants and I could feel him harden, "How bad do you want it?"

I could feel his shaky breaths against my nose as I rubbed him, "You're hired. I can have Simon start the paperwork by today, and you start tomorrow."

A small aching settled between my legs at his neediness, "So where do I report for work?" I squeezed his dick and he gasped, moaning softly, "Like that?"

He nodded, "Just come into my office tomorrow morning at eight, we can talk about everything then." He was melting like wax against my touch, "I've done this before and I'm ready to try again."

I lowered my leg off the chair and brought my mouth up to his ear, "Done what Roman?" I nibbled on the lobe of his ear and I could hear the chair scoot slightly.

"Let a woman be in control."


End of Chapter One.

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