cody bday 3 + duncan nudes leaked

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cody noah priv chat!!

kitty kitty meow 🫶: codyyyy ?

doggy doggy woof 🫶: WHORF

kitty kitty meow 🫶: r u ok

doggy dogg woof 🫶: monster 👹 how 🤨 should 😗 i 😲 feel 🥹 creatures 🤪 lie 🛌 here 😘

kitty kitty meow: 🫶: so ur high

doggy doggy woof 🫶: WALTERH
doggy doggy woof🫶: kill yourself KEREON!1!1!1!!1!11!

kitty kitty meow 🫶: wow ☠️
kitty kitty meow 🫶: find my iphone time

doggy doggy woof 🫶: pee pee poo poo





wayne chugged another beer as his eyes watered at the disgusting taste. Cody started breakdancing on the floor and Raj was leaning against the wall questioning his life choices. Wayne dragged his ass on the couch and passed out.


bowie was reading a magazine, shaking his head in disapproval and disgust at every move they did. He wasnt very comftrable, but was only here to drag wayne and raj's sorry asses to home. Just then, a knock on the door was heard. The drunk 3 didnt pay mind to it and continued being shitty individuals, but Bowie answered the door.

There stood a worried and messed up Noah, who looked tired and sleepless, also a bit mad. He let himself in the house, grabbing Cody's wrist with ease and dragging him to the car. Bowie looked puzzled as Raj also passed out on the floor. Bowie rolled his eyes and closed the door, putting a blanket on Wayne and grabbing Raj. He dragged his toned and pretty ass to the upstairs bedroom, placing him on the bed and going to prepare for the night.

He spotted Priya on the next room, passed out next to MK. MK's hat was missing and her head was burried in a pillow. Millie was sleeping upside down on the couch, drooling on the ground. Bowie looked at her, visibly disgusted. He left the room and brushed his teeth. He walked back into the bedroom and cuddled up next to Raj, who was burying his head in his chest. He smiled and lied comftrably.

(time skip *original alert!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!1*)

gays of the new

MK: what the fuck happened last night

cody: we got high big time

MK: im aware.
MK: i meant as in, of our doing.

bowie: cody made fun of raj cuz he slept first and called him a pussy
bowie: after that noah dragged him out as he breakdanced on the floor

raj: wow ok

wayne: omg.............cody is not fam anymore. he is just bro 💔

cody: sobs and quivers

MK: my nonexsistant dick twitches in spotted homosexual

cody: runs

MK: chases

millie: this is highly uncomftrable

bowie: thank you.

millie: lets get starbucks

bowie: im omw fuck priya

millie: fr


Gays N Nays

geoff: so thats why the correculum of X is innacurrate, thank you gentleman

tyler: so anyway who wanna hear about my new fortnite skin

alejandro: me

duncan: me

geoff: me

sadie: m (katie hi!!!!!!!!)

katie: me (sadie hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have more !!!!! than you aha)

sadie: me no.2 (kill yourself)

bridgette: me (wow 💀)

noah: unexpected, interesting

cody: hi noah :)

noah: uh

noah has left the chat

cody: wtf

gwen: lmao 💀

heather: respectfully kys

courtney: heather ur so nice today!!!!!!! love your enthusiasm xoxo /srs

heather: thx

duncan: wow 

duncan - courtney chat

green pubes man: insert dick pic


bae has taken a screenshot

green pubes: COURTNEY DONT-

gays n nays

courtney: insert duncan dickpic

owen: WHAT THEEUW9999999999999999999999999999999999999

heather: its so small

gwen: yeah its 2cm lmao 

leshawna: ...

noah: i would rather kill myself than see that again

duncan: kill yourself insert duncan dicpic

noah: Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I've even forgotten my name

I don't know the season
Or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade

A desolate place
Without any trace
It's only the cold wind I feel

It's me that I spite
As I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real

There will be bloodshed
The man in the mirror nods his head

The only one left
Will ride upon the dragon's back

Because the mountains don't give back what they take
Oh no
There will be bloodshed
It's the only thing I've ever known

Losing my identity
Wondering have I gone insane
To find the truth in front of me
I must climb this mountain range
Looking downward from this deadly height
And never realizing why I fight

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