Gwen and Noah friendship era

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Izzy: GUYS
Izzy: GUYS
Izzy: GUYS

heather: what



Izzy: LOOK

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Izzy: LOOK

Trent: ok lowkey thats cute

Geoff: Look man i respect your decision man and i respect you for coming out like this man me and my bridgyboopiebearboobieboojiejiezaza soogar booger beauty lovely buggy juggy wuggy respect you sm about coming out like this and as i am geoffy

Noah: i confused 😐

Brigette: yeah my geoffy sloppy poppy coffe jocky moppy zoppy loppy sugar booger kover fighter boober titter shitter bitter fitter glitter is very right. As i am bridgyboopiebearboobieboojiejiezaza soogar booger beauty lovely buggy juggy wuggy i respect your relatshionship with cody and

Heather: okay lets just ignore that

Heather: Noah can you explain why your at Gwen's house rn

Noah: How the FUCK do you know that
Noah: unless ur turning into sierra or smth i dont think theres any way for you to know

Heather: No, no, im not asking
Heather: Cody is

Noah: what

Heather: hes next to me lmao

Noah: then cody should explain why hes next to you rn
Noah: fuckin follow my iphone app

Heather: we're at the mall, dont get any wrong ideas bozo
Heather: i took him out to shop since he begged me to
Heather: i won tdwt and we're all TV stars so we're all rich lmao

Courtney: okay this is interesting to watch but why does cody wanna know

Duncan: cuz hes totally inlove with Noah??

Trent: fr tho codys such a simp
Trent: yesterday he told the drama bros AAAALLLL ABOOUUUTT the time he and Noah had a picnic together

Courtney: real

Sierra: WHAT
Sierra: Noah's gonna pay!! That ROACH!!

Gwen: sierra dont do anything you might regret
Gwen: cuz this is direct evidence of you potentially committing arson or murder

(not gonna do the name special character thing anymore i gave up sorry)

Justin: i can confirm that cody has told all the drama brothers about noah like multiple times
Justin: that little shit

Noah: justin stfu please omg

Justin: why would i stfu baldie
Justin: you shut up
Justin: bet you had a emo phase at grade 6 😂😂

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