"I like girls" my ASS HOE 😽😽🤏

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Gays N Nays

Tyler: I like girls

Duncan: barf
Duncan: i mean
Duncan: FUCK

Heather: lmao duncan outed himself the third time this week 😐

Gwen: tyler just
Gwen: just accept it already omfg 🙀

Noah: tyler likes men
Noah: big boys like eels 🥶🥶🥶

Alejandro: stfu ffs

Noah: No

Cody: 🥺

Noah: fine

Gwen: noah🤩is🤗a🤣simp😲 😴😴😴

Noah: shu😓the😰fuck🥱up🤔

Gwen: N😋O🤯

Cody: l😫m😤a😳o😥

Tyler: im not GAY!!€!1!1!1!1!

Lindsay: its okay tyler i accept u 🤗🤗

Tyler: im bi
Tyler: WAIT
Tyler: FUCK

Izzy: did tyler just swear on main 😟

Trent: tyler 🤯

Tyler: um 🤠

Geoff: I have been summoned for bi panic

Cody: geoff stfu

Geoff: also i helped cody with his intense noco bi panic 😂😂😂😂

Noah: 🧐🧐🧐🧐

Geoff: ?

Noah: Im looking for the fuck I didnt give 🤔🤔🤔

DJ: Noah. Don't insult Geoff like that!

Noah: m sorry DJ : (

DJ: its ok : )

Noah: : )


caption: goofy-ass-gay-ass mf 🙄🙄

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caption: goofy-ass-gay-ass mf 🙄🙄

Gwen: salty izzy >>

Izzy: oh?? Where!! I once wanted to steal salt from some guy with a briefcase on the road, and he shrieled in fear snd pulled up a ak-47 on me but i BOOM BOOM'ED him and took it!! (And shot him in the stomach!!) He laughed like crazy, so much that so many tears came out of his eyes,, and then i...read...more...

Gwen: nvm

Cody: gufy 🤗

Noah: why am i dating you

Heather: finally you guys r dating holy shit it was too obvious 🙄

Idk just felt like writing that dont judge me pls 🥺🥺

Cody: guess who comfessed first lmao

Heather: noah 🙄

Courtney: Noah.

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