"Swim, pet," Arturo laughs knowing well that I can't.

"Please," I gargle. He pulls me again and I go completely under. My legs and arms do whatever they think will save me. Kicking and waving, but nothing seems to work. I'm drowning and my body is becoming aware of the fact. It's slowing down, fatiguing as I move around trying to find my way to the surface. I can't even get a sound out as the lack of oxygen to my lungs and brain snags me.

I try jumping to the surface but I'm just too deep. Nothing I do can keep me afloat. The light inside me is flickering. It has been for the longest time now; I think it's about ready to give up. I'm ready to give up. I let my body relax as the urge to take a breath full of water weighs heavily. And right before I can, Arturo begins to pull me from my soothing death and it scares me more than dying. As soon as my head emerges above the surface, I cough and gasp for air like I've just run a marathon.

Arturo's laugh rings in my ears as I try to catch my breath. That fight took everything out of me. Arturo slowly drags me to the edge of the pool.

He grabs me by the collar and practically drags me from the water. He pulls me to my feet but I can't seem to hold myself up. It doesn't matter though. He keeps me up with both his hands wrapped around my throat. "Almost killing you seems to always turn me on," he growls.

He drags me over to a pool chair before pushing me onto my stomach. The jingling of his belt stiffens every muscle and bone in my body. I don't kick or scream like I usually do. I don't have the strength to fight anymore. I simply close my eyes and wait for my mind to carry me someplace else. Perhaps on a beach with my sister and mom. The wind blowing in my hair and the waves rolling onto shore to tickle my feet. I'd love that.

"Arturo! You have a phone call, it's important."

I recognize that voice. Val.

"Watch her for me," Arturo shouts back.

Arturo leaves and Val approaches me. I only know because I can hear him. I keep my eyes closed until I feel him gently lay a huge towel over my body. That small act of kindness makes me want to cry. So I do. I let tears slip from my eyes but not a sound pushes through my lips. "Thank you," I whisper.

"It's literally the least I could do. You deserve so much more, I'm sorry." I can feel his eyes as they lay upon my legs, and I can see the shock plastered across his face. The bruising is pretty nasty, I know.

"Can I get you something, food, or water?"

I shake my head. "He'll beat me."

"He doesn't feed you?"

"Does it look like he feeds me?" Did he seriously just ask me that? My legs are fucking twigs and my stomach is damn near touching my back.

Only silence lingers in the air. I sigh. This guy is so fucking dense. I think his stupidity will kill me before Arturo ever can. All of the dumb shit he says will invade my ears, seep into my brain, and spread like fungi to kill me. I think I'd prefer that over Arturo beating or stabbing me to death.

"There is one thing you could do," I say.


"Get me out of here."

"I can't do that. My brother's testing me right now. I know he only wants me to watch you because he knows I have a heart that wants to help. I won't do it though. I can't betray him."

I huff. "Worth a shot. Could you get me some painkillers then?" My head is aching and my sore eyes are throbbing. My muscles burn as they deteriorate day by day. I feel like I'm decaying. I need relief.

Psychotic Love (a mafia love story)Where stories live. Discover now