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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐙𝐀


"I'm not going," I say for the second time to my roommate, Olivia.

"Come on, our whole cohort will be there," Liv says, trying to convince me to go to another one of those stupid fucking law student mixers at NYU.

Every one was the same: the same privileged white kids talking about how their daddy paid for them to get into law school and how they wanted to go corporate and make more money.

That's not what I was here for. I wanted to finish these next few years smoothly and use it for one specific reason before getting the fuck out of this city.

"If you come, I'll do your laundry for a week," my roommate says.

I roll my eyes at her, "No."

"Come on. I'll never ask you to hang out with me and the girls again."

I thought about it for a minute. I had only known her for a few months since I moved into the cheapest apartment I could find in the city, and I wouldn't really consider us friends.

We would talk about small things and be civil towards each other but that was it. Yet for some reason, she was always up my ass trying to get me to go to parties and get drunk with her and her friends. I think it was a pity thing.

Every time she had successfully guilted me into going, I would end up awkwardly standing in a corner all night and then chaperoning her and her drunk friends even though I hated being around alcohol.

"Fine," I answer her, daydreaming of a time when I would not have to deal with that out of guilt and peer pressure.

The mixer was stupid. It was for students to get to know each other as they finish up their first year of law school and Liv was insisting to go.

I don't care about shit like this.

"Let's go," I grab my apartment keys, leading her to the door, only pausing when she doesn't move.

"Um, you're going like that?" Live gestures to my outfit. A simple t-shirt and baggy jeans.

"There's probably going to be professors and stuff. You should dress more formally."

Fuck this. I walk back to my closet, changing my shorts for a modest-looking black dress with simple black heels before we get going.

It's exactly what I thought it would be. Clusters of people gathered around discussing business and school. Liv immediately goes to the bar, getting a glass of something fruity for herself and handing me a simple Coke.

I stay to myself, eyeing the different people there and making my way to sit on a stool.

Unfortunately, a pair of hands landing on my shoulders interrupts me and I'm quick to shrug them off and turn towards the perpetrator.

"Can I help you?" Displeasure oozes out of my voice as I look up at the brunet staring down at me with a cheeky grin.

"Dalia, right?"

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