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Jin-you,What are you doing here
???-that's what I am going to ask. What are you doing here
Jin-Yn,did you forgot that it's my gf's house
Yn-No, I don't
Jin-oh,I thought that you forgot everyone and every relation
Yn-huyng tha----
Jin-don't call me huyng
Yn-why not? You're my brother and I have all right's to call you huyng
Jin-no you don----
He was cut off by shifa
Shifa- jin, first let her come inside
Jin- Shifa did you forgot that she left us alone
Yn- huyng it's because of some problem otherwise you also know that I will never leave you alone
Jin- so you have to discuss you're problems with me na, why did you left everyone alone
Yn- I was not in my senses huyng
Yn was controlling her tears but jin noticed her he was looking at her pale face and sad eyes he was feeling guilty for her sister
Jin- ok, but don't do such things again otherwise I will not forgive you
Yn- huyng did you forgive me
Jin- yes
Yn was so shoked yet happy she can't control her emotions she hug her huyng and burst out in tears, jin hug her back...shifa was smiling while looking at them
Shifa- ok come on guy's come inside
They both broke the hug and went inside
Shifa- yn,isn't you told me that you will come tomorrow
Yn- yes but I was missing you guy's and I also have some important work at hospital
Shifa- oh ok, so you're going to come hospital with us
Yn- yes
Jin thought something and became pale
Jin- but why, why did you want to go hospital
Yn- huyng I already told that I have some important work there
Jin- and what is it
Yn- it was some coma case huyng
Shifa and jin exchange glances 😐
Jin-o-o-ok guy's I thik I should get going now
Jin- I am not feeling well
Shifa- are you alright jin
Jin- yeah
Yn- then why are you not feeling well huyng
Jin- I thik I am lil bit tired because of my work...I need rest
Shifa understood why jin was not felling well so she didn't ask anything else and hurriedly say goodbye to him
Shifa- o-h ok bye baby good night and rest well
Jin- yeah bye
Yn- bye huyng good night
Jin- yeah good night and take care you both...and yes, tomorrow I will pick you up for
Hospital we will go together
They both nodded and jin hugged both girls and then they bid their goodbyes after he left the girls also went to their rooms

To be continued 😁

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