A Very Special Text

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After coming out to Raphael, Donnie want to come out to the rest of her siblings. She has never been known to be a sentimental person and goes to Raph for help.

Donnie was quite nervous.

She recently came out to her eldest brother, Raph, as transgender, and ever since then, it felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off of her shell. However, she knew she wouldn't fully be comfortable transitioning until she came out to all her brothers.

She had no idea how she was going to officially come out. Should she just say it and move on? Should she do one of those quirky cakes that say "I'm trans" written in icing? Should she have Raph tell them for her?

Eventually she decided on the most perfect, most heartfelt, most meaningful way she could share this part of her life with her brothers.

A text.

She simply went onto her phone and made her way to the group chat she, Mikey, Leo, and Raph were all in.

How should she even start this? There were too many questions she didn't have the answers to and Donnie hated not having the answers to questions almost as much as she hated beach balls. She found herself making her way to Raph, who was in the kitchen.

"Raph, I need help," she was getting better at this whole asking for help thing.

Donnie could tell Raph was hiding his excitement as he responded, "What's up, Dee?" Donnie knew the idea of her going to Raph for help must've made him feel good about himself.

"I want to come out to Leo and Mikey. I'm just gonna text them, but I don't know which way is right and which way is wrong."

"Have you considered that there is no right or wrong way?"

"Well I hate that even more. Things are so much easier when I can solve something and come to a correct conclusion."

"I know, Dee. How bout' you try saying how you feel."

Donnie deadpanned, "You do know who you are talking to right?"

Raph let out a hearty laugh as Donnie continued, "I feel like a girl. But, girl isn't exactly an emotion. I can't just say 'Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know I'm transgender and use she/her and occasionally they/them pronouns. Thank you and goodnight'"

"Why not?"

"Cause it's not emotional enough. In all the movies coming out is some mushy event that ends in tears and monologues," Donnie stated, as if it was obvious.

"Well is that the coming out experience you want?" Raph questioned.

"I mean not really. I'd rather it be casual with Mikey and Leo."

"It's your coming out. Who cares how the movies do it."

Donnie seemed to take Raph's words to heart as she pulled out her phone and began formulating a text.

Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that I am trans. Please refer to me with she/her pronouns and occasionally they/them depending on the day (I will let you know when it's one of those days) I know you guys will be supportive and that is why I feel comfortable enough to tell you this.

- Your sister, Donnie


"Now we wait, I suppose-," before she could finish that thought she heard loud footsteps thumping towards her and Raph.

Mikey was the first to tumble into the kitchen and Leo followed directly after. "I've always wanted a sister," Mikey exclaimed with a grin.

"And of course we support you Donnie. I'm glad you knew we would," Leo added. "Did Raph already know," Leo questioned as he noticed Raph's lack of reaction.

"Yeah, he has known for a couple weeks. Ever since I told him I wanted to tell you guys."

The box turtle and red eared slider smiled.

"Can I hug you, Donnie," Mikey asked. He knew Donnie wasn't too keen on physical contact, but he couldn't control his want to give his sister a hug.

Donnie nodded, allowing Mikey to wrap himself in her arms, as Leo joined, Raph wrapped them all in his grip.

Donnie smiled. "Thank you, guys. I love you." 

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My tiktok is skyj80 is u wanna check it out :)

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