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"LUFFY! RUN AWAY! RIGHT NOW!" screamed Ace as he was desperately trying to fight off some guards with marine uniforms. Luffy panicked and looked towards Ace who was trying his best to fight the guards and glanced towards an unconscious Sabo who was injured and knocked out heavily while fighting earlier. "DON'T LET THE TEST SUBJECTS ESCAPE!" someone at the back scremed whose legs were injured gravely by Sabo. "Luffy! Now's the chance, run away and find someone who can save all of us! GO!!" That was enough to make Luffy run towards the exit at a full speed. She didn't wanted to leave her brothers like this, but she knew this was the only option they had left.


It was almost a year since they were captured. A group of pirates visited Dawn Island and looted almost everything in Foosha Village despite it being protected by Garp. The trio, upon hearing what was happening in the village, ran towards the village to fight the pirates. They had enough power to defeat Bluejam a month ago, so they had enough confidence that they could beat these pirates. At last, the date wasn't in their hands and they got captured by the pirates instead. The last thing Luffy saw was Makino trying to fight a pirate to save her and her brothers but got injured and unconscious instead.

They locked the three siblings in a room with sunlight barely entering through the holes. Sabo upon seeing his little sister distressed, moved forward his arms and let her hug him. She immediately clutched to Sabo as her life depended on it. Meanwhile Ace was trying his best to find a way out of that dark room. After trying several times to break free but failing, he finally gave up and went towards Luffy and Sabo. Luffy saw Ace sitting next to her and immediately took his hand and held it for comfort.

It's been almost a week, the pirates used to open the tiny potion of the door once a day to give them food. The food was nearly not enough to feed Ace and Luffy's big stomachs. Ace and Sabo knew their sister ate the most among them, so they gave nearly half of their food to their little sister instead.

The following day, they suddenly heard screaming and clashing of swords outside. "MARINES ARE HERE" someone screamed outside. The trio became hopeful after hearing that marines were here. Surely they were going to be pirates one day, but right now they can be saved by the marines.

But that was not the case ...

The marines found them and took them to an almost abandoned island. Luffy kept bugging them saying they lived in Dawn Island but they didn't listen.

The island was very small with a single run down village in it. There were barely few people in that village, almost negligible. But they weren't taken to the village, instead they were taken somewhere underground, through a hidden cave. There they found a huge room, almost like a lab.

That's when everything went downhill...

They were tested regularly with drugs and other objects. It was almost like hell to them. They made Luffy and Ace eat some sort of fruit and tested upon them more. Ace still remembers how after eating the fruit, suddenly the lab room was on fire. After that incident, they used to make Luffy and Ace wear cuffs. They wanted to run away as soon as possible but couldn't. One day they almost tried to break free but they were caught and Luffy had to pay the price. She was taken and her screams could be heard from everywhere in the lab. Ace and Sabo screamed too, begged them that they would never try to run away again and to return their little sister. That was the first time Ace ever cried. He was aware of how dangerous they are. Thankfully Luffy was returned in the cell after 2 days. She had scars littered all over her arms and neck. Seeing that made Ace almost go bersek. How dare they hurt his sister?! But he knew he couldn't do anything other that comforting her. Both the brothers hugged her tightly and cried themselves to sleep that day. They never planned to run away after that.

It was almost after a year when they finally had the courage to run again. And they were almost successful when a shithead marine made Sabo unconscious by hitting him with his gun. Ace knew he couldn't leave Sabo alone, so the best thing he could do is make his sister flee away from here. Knowing her, she would definitely come back. Even if she won't, he'd still be happy, knowing his sister would live free now. So he screamed at her to run away and smiled as she disappeared in the hallways heading towards the exit.


Shanks didn't knew why he was feeling uneasy the moment he stepped in this partially abandoned island. The island had only a single village where very few people (not more than 20 probably) lived. The moment he and Benn entered in this village, they understood that they won't find much essential supplies for their journey here. They roamed around in the village to find something useful- be it some supplies or any information. The villagers were all dull faced and didn't even bother looking at them or answering any of their questions.

After searching for someone who can share some information, they finally found someone who was willing to answer their questions. "We wanted to know if we can get any supplies here?" Was the only thing Benn asked. the man immediately recognised them as pirates and replied "Nah man, you see the population here? Barely 25 people live in this village! And we don't have any weapons or supplies we can sell to pirates, because some people say there's a marine base at the opposite part of this island, but if you head towards the south, within 4-5 hours you'll stumble across an island which has quite a lot of population and supplies". That was more than enough information they got and decided they won't mess with marines for now and head towards that island instead.

As they were heading towards their ship, Shanks' legs were suddenly embraced by a- child? He looked down to see a young girl, probably 6-7 years old, looking at him with tears running down her cheeks and a snotty nose. He panicked because no way he knew how to handle a crying child. The next thing he knew, he picked up the little girl and took the cloth hanging around his waist to wipe the tears and snot from her face. The girl looked at him and said "pwease, pwease help by brothers". Shanks was beyond confused but suddenly enraged when he noticed the moonstone handcuffs in her hands. This girl was a devil fruit user. No, screw that! She was enslaved by Marines!

According to the villagers, there were no other pirates other than them and no bandits either, so the only ones left who could possibly own these cuffs were marines themselves. He was beyond enraged. "What's your name, brat?" he asked to the little girl. "L-luffy". "Okay Luffy, we'll save your brothers" was the only thing Shanks could reply at that moment with a smile on his face.

So what do you guys think about this fic? I really wanted to read/make a female Luffy fic, so I got this idea instead. Also, Shanks is a great father figure, isn't he? More ASL with Shanks as their father fluff is coming soon, be ready haha

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