3 - Arrived, the happiness is ours !

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We arrived in front of Kane's house. Given the noise, we guessed that the room was full of people.

Just before we entered the party through the front door, Ryan grabbed my jacket sleeve and said "Can we try not to lose each other ?" he was avoiding my gaze, it was so cute, I was melting on spot. Of course, I nodded immediately, and we were then very quickly drawn into the middle of a horde of party-animals.

After some time - and some beers too -, Kane called everyone to make us come to the garden.

"Thank you all for coming ! Please know that I love you all so much, thank you for coming into my life, and staying there through the best and worst times of it ! I love you !!!" he exclaimed, making a heart shape with his hands. Following this, a thunder of applause resounded, people shouted, laughed, jumped. Taylor, the manager of NSB, but especially Kane's older brother, brought his birthday cake. And as soon as the birthday guy blew out the candles, Taylor grabbed a piece and swung it right in Kane's face. It was so funny to see him immobilized in shock, his mouth wide open ! He then tried to do the same to in exchange, but inadvertently threw it at a guest, who sought revenge, but the latter made the exact same mistake. One thing leading to another, the garden transformed into a battle of cake, then of water.

Ryan and I were playing too, it was weird coming from him by the way. His beautiful suit stained with cream, I had almost snatched him from this horrible massacre. He approached me dangerously with his hand covered in cream, a smirk appearing on his usually impassive face. He suddenly jumped on me, and I barely caught him, carrying him in my arms. Our faces were only inches apart. Lost in his eyes, I had almost forgotten his initial intention, but when I felt his hand move, I did not hesitate and seized it to redirect it towards its owner, and thus crush it in the face. I then let him go, I laughed so much at the turn of events that I couldn't hold him anymore. He dropped to the ground, which made me laugh even more. I soon joined him on the ground, crossing my arms over my now aching stomach.

"Come on, don't sulk angel !" I said wiping his cheek with my thumb. He smiled back at me, softened by my gesture. This man tried to be mysterious when he said he hated physical contact, but in fact it was clearly his love language.

The fight had ceased, and people had gone to wash themselves in the bathrooms. We were no exception to this fact.

Stuck Together (Jusryan) - Eng Ver.Where stories live. Discover now