Why me?!

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"What's wrong baby...?" Tweek asked. Craig kissed his hand "It's nothing, just Red. You know how she isn't feeling well and I'm just worried. Pay attention, okay?" He replied with a small smile and a bit of worry in his voice "If you say so."

Craig has always been tough and not one for showing emotion. And him being worried for his cousin or worried in general was something rare.

But he was strong and everything will be okay right?..





"I'll see you after practice, Hunny" Craig kissed Tweek as he sent him off to Math. Tweek never liked math but he had Kyle Broflovski in the same class so he would often offer his assistance.

Meanwhile Craig football practice with Stan Marsh. God he couldn't Stand him. Despite his calm demeanor, Craig Tucker has a deep-seated hatred for Stan Marsh and his friends.

This hatred has been growing for years, When it comes to Stan, Craig is always in disbelief that the popular kid can be so whiny and pathetic.

He can't believe that someone as great as Stan could be so weak and helpless. Even though Stan has changed a lot over the years, Craig still can't stand the thought of him getting any better or stronger. In addition to his hatred of Stan,

Despite his hatred of Stan, Craig still can't help but feel like Stan is a decent captain and he's gettting stronger especially with the new work outs he's been doing.

Although Craig still feels that Stan isn't a good captain, he can't help but admire his strength and determination. He's seen an incredible change in Stan since he started working out regularly, and it's been inspiring to watch. Even though Stan has his weaknesses, he's still grown and changed over the years, and it's been a joy to watch him evolve. Craig is glad to see that despite all his struggles, Stan is still working hard to become a better captain. He's come a long way, and it's been a pleasure to watch him grow.

But that doesn't mean he still doesn't hate him. He may think somewhat highly of him in some degree but admiration doesn't mean shit when it comes to Stan Marsh.




Craig was chilling at practice doing a few drills while inside the school was going to shit and everyone outside didn't have a clue. That means Stan and Kyle had no idea their life and their friend,
boyfriends and siblings lives were in danger.

Rebecca "Red" McArthur was the cause. The first to turn biting the nurse when she woke up. The nurse screams in pain as her arm has a huge bite mark with half of the skin in that patch falling off. She screamed and cried in pain as one nurse Tranquilized Rebecca and the other treated to the main nurses wound. Rebecca and the nurse were both rushed to the hospital.

As Red awoke a nurse was standing over her pumping blood in. She immediately saw red and her bones cracking blood spool out of her mouth. The nurse backed away in horror about to make a run for it when she was attacked and bitten in the arm. The nurse began turning as the doctor rushed in smelling a terrible smell of rotten corpses.

The hospital turned into a blood bath with a horrible smell of rotten corpses.




The nurse from before started feeling light headed and it smelled rotten. She realized that it was HER?! Smelling like spoiled milk. "That can't be right... I smelled just fine before that girl...oh fuck." She looked at her foot that was bite lightly as it started making a cracking noise and then soon she was turning blood everywhere when a student came in.

Together,  we can survive.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz