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He slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry and disorienting. He felt his senses return to him when his arm felt too heavy to lift. As he was hit by the sterile smell and the sound of machines beeping, he clamped his eyes shut.

What happened? He wondered. He wanted to remember why he was surrounded by white walls and fluorescent lighting, which seemed to heighten his sense of being caged. Why did the air feel so thick with fear and uncertainty? He sifted through his memory, attempting to remember the reason why he was in a hospital bed with an aching body.

"Imi..?" He called out before coughing, his voice slurred from a parched throat.

"I see you're finally awake." Kai gasped when he heard her voice, turning his head to find ringed yellow orbs peering into his own, delighted to see hues other than white. "Ms. Makima." He acknowledged her presence. She took a few steps closer to his bed, her lips curled into a smile that always felt so empty. "It's been a while. Though I'm not sure you'll be able to keep up with all that happened while you were gone."

When she said that, he vaguely remembered the sound of metal hitting metal and the taste of blood in his mouth.

He tried to sit up, his tired arms shaking as they attempted to support his body's heavyweight. "Is everyone-" Makima moved to support him, gripping his arms to help him sit up when she noticed that he almost fell back onto the bed. "Thank you." He thanked her after a heavy sigh of relief. "But is everyone okay? Did anyone get severely injured?" He didn't get an immediate reply, the beeping of the machine's beeping made the brief quiet less stifling for Kai.

After a short while of tense silence, Makima moved from her spot to get her coat that was thrown onto a couch. "Kai, listen calmly." He gulped heavily at her warning, his heart rate quickening as he watched her put on her coat with her back to him.

"The special divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 underwent a gunfire. Aside from the devils, practically everyone died except for a few." He felt the muscles of his heart tighten with incredible force, slowly growing light-headed and a bit disoriented as Makima pulled her braid out of her coat. "We've made plans to strengthen the new special division that we'd like to move forward with." The buzzing in his head made it difficult for him to comprehend her words as he stared at her making her way to leave the room, dazed. "I'll speak to the hospital to discharge you sometime tomorrow. Meet me in my office once you leave." She spoke her parting sentence before opening the room's door.

"Ms. Makima." Makima turned back around to look at Kai, who called out to her, feigning ignorance of his face losing it's usual hues and his dulling eyes. "Can you.. please tell me who made it out alive..?" She looked into his pleading eyes for a minute, noticing the faint hopeful light that seemed to strive to stay lit. She averted her attention to glance up, resting her chin between her thumb and pointer finger as if she was thinking.

"Denji, Aki, Power, Kobeni and Madoka are the sole survivors of your division."

She looked back to the glimmer, just to see it succumb and drown in his muddy orbs.

Kai sat alone in the room when she finally left without saying anything else, her words resonating in his head, drowning all the sounds around him as he stared blankly at the door she left from.

Denji, Aki, Power, Kobeni and Madoka are the sole survivors of your division.

Denji, Aki, Power, Kobeni and Madoka.

The world around him gradually lost it's vibrancy when he realized that she forgot to mention someone, someone very important.

He didn't even flinch when his door banged open; he didn't even blink. His eyes merely lifted to stare at the panting figure clinging to the door. Kai looked at his friend, observing a thin coating of sweat causing his unruly black hair to adhere to his brow, noticing his sloppy outfit that he would wear home, noticing his heavy eye bags, noticing his depressed state.

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