The Story Of Moon & Sea

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quick note : SF: Sea fairy ML:Moonlight
if i spell something wrong, tell me please.

Whats the matter of living?
nothing came to your mind right. I know, i know.. Everyone loves somebody. Likes them, goes date with them or even have some 'affection time'. Well, some of peoples luck is too bad, that they cannot see eachother again. If Sea Fairy didn't tried to reach the moon. The white, precious and beatiful moon. Her moon.
No pov.
A dark night with a light white moon. The small figure on the moon swinging. Her blackish hair glowing like a dark rainbow.(gay) The stars in her hair glowing, her dress is swinging left and right with a rhytme. Her eyes closed, probably just resting her eyes. The moon was glowing, just like her. And there was another girl in the sea, looking her in the eyes. She was admiring the beauty of the Moonlight. Knowing they will separate from each other. Well, if fate says something 'it will happen next' then it means it will. Even it is a cruel order. The Queen of Sea (aka Ocean), will froze when clock ticks.

silence ended with Moonlight's speech.

ML: Sea Fairy, the Queen of Ocean. Whats your final wish before we separate?

SF:The daughter of Moon, my final wish is that we never seperate.

ML: You know not all things happen. Please make a wish that i can grant.

SF: Then, my final wish is that we never forget about each other even we are on the edge of death and believe that we will find each other on the a white, moon glowing like a sun, like this night.

ML:I will grant your final wish the Queen of Ocean. Before you go and fight with a natural cookie i want to tell you something.

SF: What is it Daughter of Moon?

ML: I love you a lot Sea Fairy. Will you be my partner for the rest of your life in your frozen days and un'frozen days. Be with me for a Eternity and Love. Even that means me & you needs to seperate for a long time. Will you still accept it The Queen of Sea?

SF: I will accept your love confess even that means i have to die or froze. I will love you for Eternity even that means we need to seperate. And i will be with you with your bad days or good days. Nothing can seperate this love. I, the Queen of Ocean, i will truly love you until i die. I will always be on your back for support. I don't care if it means i have to die. I will love you forever Moonlight.

ML: Then, can i do something Queen of Ocean?

SF:Call me Sea Fairy. And yes, do it. Please.

ML:Okay my queen.

SF:Stop it Moonlight


Tick tack tick tack.

Moonlight leaned for her girlfriend, she wrapped her hands around the other girls
neck. Slowly making her lips to Sea Fairy's lips. Leaving no gap between them. And then she kissed her. One minute kiss but yet they feel'd like it was a one hour. Moonlight smiled at her. Sea Fairy loved seeing Moonlight smile. Moonlight's smile was reminding her of a beatiful red rose.


They looked at the clock, their smiles faded changed into a sad face. Moonlight looked her. She was about to cry.

SF:Don't worry about me Darling. I will be always be on your side. Even i die i will look at you. Don't be sad.

ML: :sob: But.. Sea-

SF:Shush now Darling. Before i go, i want to tell you that i love you for a eternity. Goodbye for now Moonlight, Daughter of Moon.

ML:I love you too my queen. Goodbye the Queen of Sea and my Heart..


634 words
(They didn't returned.)

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