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One word, some would say one of the most important one syllable words to exist as a student. When your future balanced on the test scores and evaluations of instructors, the only things standing between you and the next one. It was a word I felt pride in seeing every time I took a test and one I longed for when the long sleepless nights didn't always seem like they were going to pay off the way I wanted.


The word blurred with each passing second and I could barely see Maya as I looked up to meet her eyes, my laugh cleared my eyes because it forced the tears obstructing my view down. "I told you, a freaking rockstar."

Maya championed me and it felt amazing to have her support when for so long I had learned to do it myself. Develop a confidence in me that would be unshakable and unquestionable, and it had been until in fact chaos tore my life apart, forcing me to start from zero again.

Thankfully, I had Maya there from the beginning. In many ways I felt like we grew together, she had to learn that I wasn't going to judge her and love her all the same. I had to learn it was okay to be cared for and that I didn't always have to do things alone. We both had to learn that love wasn't conditional on what we could offer or our rankings.

Not that I was thankful for the chaos that brought me here, but looking at my beautiful wife with tears in her eyes too, and the semblance of a perfect life she has giving me... I felt blessed.

Still it felt weird to think of myself now as a 'rockstar', even the first time Maya had said it. Though as I looked again to this one syllable word I felt like one. That I could climb any mountain, cross any ocean, make love to my wife for hours until she fell asleep from how many orgasms I'd given her.

All things that seemed impossible and if Maya had in fact not been working, there was one I would definitely try to put to the test. Right now I just wanted to jump for joy and scream. "I-" I laughed because I was actually just speechless at the thought that I had finally accomplished a dream I had let go of years ago.

Maya came around her desk and helped me up before wrapping her arms around my waist to lift and spin me around. The action making me squeal in joy as her laugh echoed in my ears. I so loved when she read my mind. "Congratulations, Dr. DeLuca-Bishop."

Suddenly all that crossed my mind ease the ache I had for her, how being in her strong arms made me feel. She finally set me down and I looked over her soft face drinking me in, "Grazie amore, ugh I wish you weren't working." I curled my hand along the base of her throat, feeling the skin over her pulse point.

"I know, but we will celebrate this tomorrow as soon as I'm off shift okay? I promise!" Maya kissed me quickly, too quickly.

"That's not why I want you off shift." My low voice seemed to catch her attention, "I want to try," I whispered against her lips and I swore I saw Maya contemplate her entire career through her eyes. If I nudged her, she'd quit to just be able to take me home and ravish me. "You love your job."

"Right now, I hate it." I threw my head back to laugh and when I looked back at Maya she was pouting. "I'm a mess just thinking about the fact that you want to try."

"There's always your bunk... and you do need to be resting," I offered, I would love to be taken in her bunk right now. It would satiate so many things at once.

"Carina, for all I want to do to you, I think we need our own four walls." Fuck. Everything about that made my knees weak and I wanted everything going through her mind.

"Okay, then I will go home, and I'll wait for you there.." I eased back from her, almost forgetting I still 'needed' crutches. Pretending to stumble, Maya handed them to me and she looked apologetic. "Run home."

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