Steve harrington

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prompt : write me a Steve Harrington x y/n , they work at scoops ahoy together , lots of dialogue

You're standing behind the counter, scooping ice cream into a cone, when Steve walks up. "Hey, Y/N," he says with a grin. "What's up?"

"Not much," you reply, trying to sound casual. "Just serving up some ice cream."

"Ah, the glamorous life of a Scoops Ahoy employee," Steve jokes. "But hey, at least we get to wear these sweet uniforms, right?"

You roll your eyes. "Yeah, they're definitely a fashion statement."

Steve leans against the counter, his eyes sparkling. "So, Y/N, tell me something about yourself. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

You hesitate for a moment, then say, "Rocky road. What about you?"

"Ah, a classic choice," Steve says, nodding. "As for me, I'm more of a mint chocolate chip guy."

"Really?" you say, surprised. "I wouldn't have pegged you for a mint chocolate chip person."

Steve shrugs. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises."

You smile, despite yourself. Steve is undeniably charming, even when he's being a little bit obnoxious. "So, what's your favorite thing about working at Scoops Ahoy?" you ask.

Steve looks thoughtful for a moment. "Honestly, it's probably the fact that we get to eat as much ice cream as we want. And, you know, the fact that I get to work with such a lovely coworker."

You feel your cheeks flush at the compliment. "Thanks, Steve. You're not so bad yourself."

Steve grins. "I knew you liked me," he says teasingly.

You roll your eyes again, but you can't help feeling a little bit giddy. There's something about Steve that makes you feel alive, even when you're scooping ice cream all day.

As the day wears on, you and Steve fall into an easy rhythm of banter and ice cream scooping. You even start to enjoy the monotony a little bit, as long as Steve is there to make you laugh.

When your shift finally ends, Steve walks you to your car. "So, Y/N," he says as you reach the car. "Would you maybe want to grab some ice cream sometime? You know, when we're not working."

You grin. "I'd love that, Steve. Mint chocolate chip, right?"

Steve winks. "You got it, Y/N."

prompt : add onto this scene  

Steve leans in closer, a mischievous glint in his eye. "But you know, Y/N, I have to warn you. I have a pretty strict no-work-talk policy when I'm off the clock."

You laugh. "That's probably for the best. I don't think I could handle another conversation about ice cream toppings."

Steve grins. "Good, then we can talk about something more interesting. Like, I don't know, how gorgeous you look in that Scoops Ahoy uniform."

Your heart skips a beat at the compliment, and you can feel your cheeks heat up. "Steve, stop it," you say, but you're smiling.

"I'm serious," Steve says, leaning even closer. "You're the prettiest thing I've seen all day. Maybe even all week."

You feel a flutter in your stomach at the intensity in his eyes. "Thanks, Steve," you say softly. "That's really sweet of you to say."

Steve brushes a strand of hair out of your face. "I mean it," he says, his voice low. "I've been thinking about asking you out since the day we met."

Your heart pounds in your chest as you realize what he's saying. "Really?"

Steve nods. "Yeah. I know it's kind of cliche to ask out a coworker, but I can't help it. There's just something about you, Y/N."

You feel a rush of warmth spreading through your body, and you lean in closer to Steve. "Well, if it's any consolation, I've been thinking about you too," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.

Steve's eyes widen, and you can see the surprise and pleasure in his expression. "Really?"

You nod, feeling bold. "Yeah. I think you're pretty amazing, Steve Harrington."

Steve grins, his face lighting up. "Well, Y/N, it looks like we have a date then. How about we grab that mint chocolate chip ice cream tomorrow?"

You smile. "I'd like that, Steve. I'd like that a lot."

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