marcus baker

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prompt : marcus Baker x y/n. school

It was just another typical day at school for Y/N. They were walking down the crowded hallway, trying to make their way to their next class. As they were weaving through the sea of students, they accidentally bumped into someone, causing their books to scatter all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry," Y/N exclaimed as they bent down to help pick up the books. As they were picking up the last book, they looked up and saw the most gorgeous person they had ever laid eyes on. He had dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a charming smile.

"Hey, it's okay," the stranger replied as he took the book from Y/N's hands. "My name's Marcus. What's yours?"

"Y/N," they replied, feeling their cheeks heat up. They had never felt so flustered around someone before.

Marcus helped Y/N gather the rest of their books and then offered to walk them to their next class. Y/N couldn't believe how kind and thoughtful he was being. They chatted about school, hobbies, and music as they walked, and before Y/N knew it, they had arrived at their classroom.

"Well, this is me," Y/N said, feeling a little disappointed that their time with Marcus was coming to an end.

"It was really nice meeting you, Y/N," Marcus said, flashing his dazzling smile once more.

"Yeah, it was great meeting you too," Y/N replied, feeling a little shy.

As the day went on, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about Marcus. They found themselves daydreaming about him during class, and couldn't wait until they saw him again.

The next day, Marcus and Y/N bumped into each other again in the hallway. They struck up a conversation, and Marcus asked Y/N if they wanted to grab a coffee after school. Y/N eagerly agreed, feeling butterflies in their stomach at the thought of spending more time with Marcus.

The coffee date went incredibly well. They talked for hours, laughing and sharing stories. Y/N had never felt so comfortable with someone before. As the sun started to set, Marcus walked Y/N home, and before he left, he asked if he could see them again.

"Of course," Y/N said, feeling giddy with excitement. "I'd love to."

From that day on, Marcus and Y/N were inseparable. They spent every moment they could together, laughing and exploring the world around them. And as their relationship blossomed, Y/N knew that they had found someone truly special.

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