"Joshua, I don't really want to talk about it anymore. Please".

"I guess that explains why you don't want to stay at your parents".

"I'm glad you caught on" Connor said as they continued to his place.


"You look so hot" Avery complimented as she joined Summer in the bathroom "I told Darren you were coming, he said you could meet a few of his coworkers and acquaintances".

"Ave, I don't want to try to force something. I just want a night out where I don't have to think about how shitty I feel".

"I won't make you force anything, but you feel shitty because of Connor and this is a good way to not think about Connor".

"I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, really" Summer smiled before hugging her "so I was thinking I'd drive myself and meet you guys there. That way Darren doesn't have to drive back here".

"He'll be fine, don't worry. Just ride with us" Avery said and Summer nodded.
They finished getting ready until Darren came to get them.

They walked into the bar where tens of people filled already. Summer walked with the two of them for a little bit, being vaguely introduced to a few men, before she headed to get a drink.

"Can I have a martini please?" She asked the bartender who nodded.

"Summer, right?" A man said sitting beside her.

"Yes, sorry, you are?"

"Thomas, I work with Darren. We briefly met, about half an hour ago".

"Oh of course. It's nice to meet you Thomas" she said as he held out his hand for her to shake.

"Likewise. So I know you're here with Darren and his girlfriend so you don't work in the company, what field are you in?"

"Software engineering, currently working on my masters".

"Are you in the same program as his girlfriend?"

"Avery, yes I am. I finish a little bit after her though".

"Wow, impressive" Thomas complimented so she turned her body towards him more.

"You think so?"

"Of course. You don't expect a woman so beautiful to be successful at a profession, especially engineering, and you are beautiful Summer".

"Um, okay".

"Okay? Did I say something wrong? I was expecting a thank you, that was a compliment".

"It was a condescending compliment at best and I would advise you to stop using it on women" Summer said before walking away.
She walked until she reached Avery.

"Hi, how's it going?" Avery asked while Darren had his own conversation.

"Um, it's fine. How's it going with you?"

"Eh, I usually just hang out while he talks and his coworkers ask me the same two questions about school: how's it going and how long until I graduate" Avery giggled a little "if you're really not enjoying yourself, we can go and just come back to get him".

"No it's okay. I needed alcohol at least so I'm not too miserable" Summer smiled holding up her martini.

They talked for a little bit longer until Darren turned to them.
"You remember Avery, this is her friend Summer. Summer this is Bryan" he introduced as Bryan reached out to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you" Summer said to him.

"Nice to meet you as well Summer, beautiful name for a beautiful woman".

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