Girl Meets First Date

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I went to my brother's house to tell him my good news about NYU, maya was there, maya is always there, she said something about caveman and footprints, I ran away, don't get me wrong I don't wanna be mean with her but I didn't know how to react.
I Met this girl, sophie, she was explaining me all about NYU, I couldn't stop thinking about asking her out, she was so pretty. Now we are talking at svorski's she is looking something behind me.
Why are those girls looking at us? - I'm going to look but she says- don't turn around!- I heard they are talking about going out on a date with someone, yup that's definitely maya. - they are gone - sophie said.- I turn around
They are my niece and her best friend that's why they were looking.

We talked a couple of hours I tried to change the subject and talk about our lives like it was a real date so maybe she would like to go on a real date, I think she likes me, she send me signals. she is three years older than me tough. Fuck you karma. But this is different I'm a mature adult, or almost.
Now we are in the subway.
I hope you'll enjoy the summer program- she says
Yeah, and I hope we can enjoy some of it together. - I say flirty
Well, I'm sure I'll see you around. - she says
Wait a minute, I thought
I thought we were kinda
I mean, weren't you smiling a lot at me and stuff?
I'm a tour guide, Josh. - oh no, she is talking to me like I am a child - It's my job to be nice to high school kids.
Sophie, I thought we connected pretty well. - I say
I'm gonna be a junior, junior. I got a couple years on you, don't I? - I know, I know K A R M A. but still people will think really bad of me if I date a girl who is 14.-
What's three years?-I know, I'm an idiot, of course they matter, what is people going to think of her if she dates a boy who is 17. But I was hoping she was the kind of people who doesn't care what people think.- You think three years matters at our age?
Yeah, I do.- she says. Apparently she does care what people think,, everybody cares except Topanga, I guess. Sophie is gone . I turn around and I see..
Maya? - I said
She pulled that three-years-older thing on you, huh? - fuck, she heard the whole thing and u am the biggest idiot on earth.
Yeah Yeah, I really put myself out there.- I told her
Oh, I'm sure I couldn't possibly identify with your pain.- she doesn't sound mad or jealous, she sounds like she isn't surprised but I can hear some sadness in her voice. Cavemen? Footprints? Hold hands? -
Hurts, doesn't it? - I'm kidding cause o know she doesn't really like me, it's just a crush. Like sophie.
A little bit, yeah.
How do you deal with it? - I ask
Well, me, I've got this dungeon of sadness. - I'm wondering if her daddy issues are in that dungeon of sadness.
Oh yeah? You got me in there?
Oh yeah.
You and a whole flock of ballerinas.-i don't get the ballerinas part but I respect her because she didn't say that her dad that is in it, so she doesn't want me to know her problems, she must be stronger than I thought. I gotta go so I give her a weak smile and walk away.
Im really sorry for my bad English I'm from latinoamerica, so. Tell me my errors and I ll correct them.

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