What If... (Young Jonerys)

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"No one is going to hurt you." Ned tried to reassure her when they stepped out to the yard. "You don't have to be afraid anymore." He added kindly and raised his head to look around. Winterfell was a quiet and peaceful place. Well... mostly. For a Targaryen princess, it also can be dangerous. The memory of the Mad King lived vividly in the people's minds. She lowered her head and she wanted to disappear at that moment.

"Sons!" Ned placed his hand on her back and direct her down the stairs. She quickly raised her eyes to the two young men who were training with a bow near to them. At the moment their father asked for their attention they quickly turned in his direction but first in their life, they remained speechless.

While Ned and Daenerys walked closer she analyzed the two young and quite handsome Lords. Both were good-looking... they were charming ... and both were around her age.

"Sons." Ned stopped right in front of them. "She is Daenerys Targaryen." He cleared his throat. The two young men were surprised. They did not expect Ned to bring a Targaryen to their home. The smaller one quickly glanced at her and their eyes locked for a moment. "That is my oldest son. Robb." Ned stretched his hand to pull him closer.

Robb quickly jumped next to her and straighten himself. "Princess." He bowed his head.
"Less know is better," Ned warned him quietly and looked around again.

"My apologies Father but she has every feature. It will be hard to deny that she is a ..." the other guy started as respectfully as he could.

"She belongs to our family now." Ned stopped him and they both nodded "He is Jon" Ned quickly closed the topic. Daenerys felt how they were scanning her. From tip to toe. She felt their gazes...

"Can I offer to show you around, my lady?" Robb did not hesitate any longer and offered his arm to Daenerys. She glanced at Jon once more... for some inexplicable reason, she felt a bond towards him. She forgot her eyes on him for a moment... just as he, even if he knew that is not appropriate.

"Do you speak our language?" Robb disturbed the moment with another question.

"It's quite cold here for me." Daenerys sighed as an answer then shrugged.

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