What If (Young Jonerys) Pt3

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"Are you okay?" She walked closer to Jon. He stood in the doorway. Devastated. He suddenly raised his eyes at her and looked angry. "My apologizes I did not want to...eavesdrop." she lowered her head. Jon forgot his eyes on her. Again. She was... indescribably beautiful.

Dany slowly looked at him... and those eyes. Those mesmerizing eyes. It was the first time when he felt he easily could fall in love with a woman. He came to mind after a moment and felt a bit unpleasant. Turned back and forth.

"So. I assume your mother is not Lady Stark." She quickly continued before he could leave. He raised his eyes to the ceilings and sighed. "Or if she is... no mother should talk to her child like that. No matter what sin the child committed." She blurted the words so quickly but there was no answer.

"Lord Stark asked me to take you to the ladies' workshop." Jon finally realized that he had a task to do and turned back to her. "So I'll be here until you change your clothes." He cleared his throat.

"What do they do in these sessions?" She raised her brow questioningly.
"I am not a Lady. So I don't know." He shook his head.

"Did I say something wrong or did I hurt you?" Dany couldn't hide her feelings anymore. "I mean you barely say a word to me. No matter..." she sighed. "... how hard I try. I know that neither of you wants me to be here and... If I'd have a choice believe me I'd leave immediately. But I can't. Lord Stark said his family is going to love me and I don't have to worry but it seems no one can separate me from my father's actions." She poured out her soul.
"I'll be ready in a minute," Dany added and started to walk back to the room.

"If you ask my little sister, Arya. They are doing unnecessary things on those. She prefers to learn swordsmanship than embroidering." He laughed a bit. Jon finally realized she is just as lost as he is.

"I also prefer to learn useful things." Dany smiled too.

"Do not mention it to my other sister. Sansa." Jon laughed. "She thinks she can't get a well-healed husband without her handkerchiefs," Jon smirked.

"A men need quite a different thing from a woman than a ..." she blushed and stop. That was not proper.

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