I don't care

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"I don't care." He moaned to her ear and without any hesitation, he pushed her to the door. They were in the corridor but at that moment Jon Snow finally knew exactly what he wanted. And he wanted Daenerys Targaryen. Just her. The whole of her... no matter who she is, no matter what is his real name. That woman enchanted him. That woman was his life. He just grabbed her and squeezed her into the huge wooden door. Mercilessly and filled with passion and lust. Before she could say or do anything she felt his tongue in her mouth. She should have said no to him. She should have rejected him after everything but she couldn't. Her heart does not let her. Jon kissed her lips again and again and meanwhile, his fingers found their way to her skin.

"Jon" Daenerys barely could say his name out loud. She felt how Jon tore the belt from her waist and for a moment she trembled. His fingers were so damn cold ... when she felt those fingertips on her most sensitive part she opened her mouth but only a soft moan could come out. At first.

Those fingers know how to please a woman and she adored it. And she adored the owner of those much more. He was the perfect man. He was a King. He was a trustworthy and honest man. And he was the most amazing lover she could have had. Jon did not stop but for a moment he raised his eyes at her and there was a smirk in his face at the moment he thrust her with his fingers.

"Jon" that time it was much louder than she wanted to be. He immediately closed her lips with his but he knew they couldn't continue that there. Not in the corridor. He tried to find the door handle with his other hand but her pleasure had priority. He had to make amends for many things that happened in the past few days. He was such a fool and because of that he almost lost the most precious thing in his life. "Jon, Oh Heaven!" She moaned to his mouth and it was clear she reached the top... and at that moment he finally could open that damn door.

"Right on time" he panted the answer quietly and licked her lips with a small smile on his face. Then with a quick and definite move, he directed her to the right place to finally have her... in every way.


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