You Came Back

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"You came back." She greeted him and they immediately kissed each other. Weeks passed since the horrible happenings in King's Landing. He did what he needed to do. He did that they agreed even if he did not think that is a good idea. She promised him everything is going to okay. It was not her. It was not her who set the whole capital on fire... but they both knew no one would believe that. Not without evidence. She told him everything. How she lost control. How Drogon lost control... as if something took over it from them. He saw in her eyes she was telling the truth. He knew from his heart she did not lie to him... even if he was not sure about her explanation. How that could be his little brother? How he could be evil... Bran would never be able to do this.
"I could tell you the same." There were tears in his eyes but those were happy tears. "I was so afraid she..." he swallowed and before he could continue a woman in red walked out from the building.
"I've told you." She started and smiled at them "the Lord sent me here to help you. The Lord sent me here to bring her back because he knew you have to kill her." She explained but her words were so mysterious.  "You better have some rest. We don't have much time." The priestess continued and she wanted to leave them.
"I..." Jon frowned. "I thought it is over. I... what are you talking about? She left the Iron Throne behind." He freaked out a bit and the priestess walked to them. There was a small smile on her face.
"The world needs to be saved and no matter what you want... you are the Chosen Ones. Together. Only you two can stop him before he destroy the whole known world. You are the light in the darkness and this darkness... is going to be ... the worst of all." She lowered her head.
"Who are you talking about?" Jon narrowed his eyes then he turned to his love. Daenerys bit her lower lip.
"He is not ready." She answered quietly.
"He better be or we all lost." The woman answered and turned to Jon. "Bran is not your brother anymore. He is the Great Enemy. Not just for the human realm but for every creature in this doomed world." She explained then she just walked away.

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