He smiles and sheds a tear, "We're now parents, Jie." He said trying hard not to cry. Jie smiles tiredly at her husband and children, "Yep. We are." She responds. "Welcome to the world, Anthony Jr." Anthony said and naming his oldest child.

It's always heartwarming to see new life come into the world, especially after such a tumultuous time. I hope that they and their family have a bright future ahead of them.

Five doors down from the Towson family's room, we see Taiyang, Qrow, Yang and Ruby all hugging a lost member of theirs.

Summer Rose.

She was found in Salem's castle in the Land of Darkness. She would've died if US, Russian and Chinese troops didn't find her sooner.

Tears of joy flowed down their faces as they embraced their long-lost loved one. "I can't believe it, Summer. You're alive." Taiyang said through his tears. Summer smiled weakly and hugged him tighter.

"I thought I would never see you guys again," she said. Qrow, Yang and Ruby joined in the embrace, overjoyed to have their mother back.

As they pulled away, Yang wiped away her tears and said, "We have so much to catch up on. What happened to you, Mom?"

Summer took a deep breath and began to recount her story. She told them about how she was captured by Salem and held captive for years.

She spoke of the torture and experimentation she endured, and how she had given up hope of ever being rescued. But then the UN forces came, and she was finally free.

Qrow gritted his teeth in anger as he listened to the horrors that his friend had endured. "Salem will pay for what she did to you," he vowed.

Summer shook her head. "No, Qrow. We can't let revenge consume us. We need to focus on rebuilding and healing. That's what matters now."

Taiyang nodded in agreement. "She's right. We have to look forward and work towards a better future."

The group nodded in unison, feeling a sense of hope and determination. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but with each other by their side, they could overcome anything.

Then Yang said something to Summer that made Taiyang's blood pressure rise "Oh can't wait for you to meet my fiancé!" "Your what?" Qrow and Ruby said at the same time.

While Summer smiled in joy. Taiyang meanwhile looked as if he wants to punch something.

Just then, Christopher Towson arrived with a lunch tray with a grilled cheese sandwich, a cup of jello and a glass of ice cold ginger ale. "Doc told me to bring you this, Summer" Chris said as he entered the room and he puts down the tray.

"Oh. I was just talking about you babe." Yang told Chris shocking Qrow and Ruby and Taiyang breathed a sigh of relief as he heard how famous the Towsons are.

Chris smiled at giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead Yang and walked over to Summer. "Well, I'm here now," he said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better," Summer said, smiling up at him. "Thanks to you and your family."

Chris grinned. "That's what we're here for. And speaking of family," he turned to Taiyang, Qrow, Ruby, and Yang, "I think it's time we all got to know each other a little better, don't you?"

Taiyang nodded, still a little wary of Chris, but willing to give him a chance. Qrow and Ruby looked at each other, then shrugged and nodded as well.

As they all sat down to eat, Chris told them about his family and his life growing up. Taiyang shared stories about Summer and their life together, while Qrow and Ruby told tales of their adventures as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Despite Taiyang's initial reservations, he found himself warming up to Chris as the meal went on. By the end, they were all laughing and joking like old friends.

As they left the hospital, Taiyang couldn't help but feel grateful that Summer was safe and that they had gained a new family member in Chris.

Meanwhile in a hospital in Manhattan, New York. We see Sienna Khan Fernandes giving birth to six children. Three boys and three girls.

David Fernandes who now has a beard and robotic prosthetic left arm. Smiles at seeing his kids. All who have their mother's Bengal Tiger Faunus ears.

Sienna smiled with joy as she held her newborn children close. She was grateful to have her husband David Fernandes by her side, especially after all they had been through. As a former leader of the White Fang, Sienna had seen her share of violence and hardship, but she was determined to create a better world for her children.

David, who had lost his left arm during the war, was thrilled to see his children for the first time. He gazed down at them with wonder, admiring their tiny features and their mother's beautiful Faunus ears. "They're perfect," he whispered, feeling a sense of pride and protectiveness welling up inside him.

Sienna looked up at David, tears streaming down her face. "I can't believe we have six of them," she said, her voice full of emotion. "I never thought I could be this happy."

David leaned down and kissed her forehead. "We're going to be great parents," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "And we'll make sure our children have the best life possible."

Sienna smiled up at him, feeling grateful for his unwavering support. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, and they would always put their children first.

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