"I should tell Chase to stop making my wife babysit his daughter, " Adam said playfully stopping in Elena's way. 

Elena looked at him in scolding, "Don't you dare. I love that child! They can leave her here for as long as they want. I don't mind." 

Adam felt his eyes blurring at her words. She will want a child of her own one day and I can't give her that. Elena stood in front of him and looked at his eyes which were a storm of emotions that couldn't be read. 

 Her hands then cupped his cheeks as she tip-toed to reach his height. Her lips found his as she lightly kissed him and then brought her lips further into his. She broke off the kiss. "Here is your kiss, "she whispered against his lips. 

His hand snaked around her waist and then he kissed her nose lightly, "You know that I love you most ardently and that I would not like to be apart from you ever." 

Parting? She wondered why he was talking about parting now. A knot formed in her throat at the mention of parting again. They were parted before and she hated the painful memory of that separation. 

She nearly clinged to him, her hands forming a fist on the sleeves of his rolled long-sleeve shirt. Her eyes watered as bubbling news almost escaped her lips and reveal what she has been trying to keep since she found out. "Yes, I know, why are you saying that, Adam?" her voice broke. 

"It's....I....." Adam struggled to find the words to tell about what crowded his mind. 

Something was pulling Elena's dress that made her attention drift to the tiny hand that clinged to her white dress skirt. 

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I almost forgot about your lunch," Elena lowered herself to look at Lena apologetically and kissed her cheeks.

Standing up, she found Lena's food kept in a glass container. "Here we are," she lift the child in her lab before she starts feeding her with a spoon. 

"Chase said he will be here in a matter of minutes," Adam said after checking his phone's screen. 

"Oh I will miss her," Elena said nearly crying. "They won't be away for a long time, will they? I mean it is only two weeks and they will be back from Japan, right?" she asked nearly talking to herself. 

His sorrow deepened looking at the way Elena loved children. He couldn't make her wish come true and God he thinks he will go insane. How will she react? What would she say? Will she leave? Start a family with someone else? Elena wouldn't leave and he knew it and that made him feel like a selfish prick. 

The house bell rang. 

Adam looked at his wife as she wiped the child's mouth and pick her bag before she march towards the door. He heard Chase's voice exclaiming how much he had missed his daughter and then the sound of the door being closed. Her footsteps sound approaching him. 

His eyes were closed but then he opened them and saw her smiling at him. 

"Just tell me, what is it?" she asked. 

"I had an appointment earlier with Dr. Jones." 

She stooped breathing. He is not sick again, right? Cancer didn't come back, did it? She stilled dead in her place, waiting and anticipating. 

"I can't have children, Elena. It is nearly impossible for me to have a child," he said, his voice stripped from emotions. His features were blank and unmoving, despite the chaos of emotions that battelled inside him. 

"I know it is selfish but I don't want to deprive you of something that you always wanted. I don't want to do this for you, we lost one before but now I can't have one, I.........." he helplessly moved her hands trying to find the words. He struggled to stand up and so he sank to his knees on the floor. 

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she observed the way her husband was broken and so she joins him on the floor. 

"But Adam you are my family. I want you and only you. I know we lost a child before but that's God's will. I don't want children if you weren't their father," she shook as she intertwined her hand with his. He raised his head and pulled her to his chest and she could feel that he was crying too. 

"Adam," she managed to say against his chest. 

 He hummed in response, still not letting go of her out of his embrace. 

"Adam," she repeated wanting him to look at her. 

His arms loosened a bit as he frees her enough to look at her face. His eyebrows knitted in weariness, "Yes, love." 

Her heart drummed against her chest and her breath quickened as she was about to tell him what she found out today's morning. 

"I'm pregnant," she managed to say before her mouth twitched in a smile. 

He looked at her in disbelief and shook his head, "You are pregnant." 

He repeated as he stared at the floor tiles, "Pregnant."

Then, Adam looked at her longley as she kept nodding, new tears forming in his eyes. "We will have a child," he said in disbelief before he pull her once again to his chest. He kept planting kisses all over her face and neck. 

She laughed since his kisses kept tickling her. "I love you, you know that right?" he cupped her cheeks gazing at her chocolate eyes that he loved so much. 

"I know, I love you too," Elena responded trying to keep herself from crying again. His happiness is worth the world for her. She found him after all this time and she can't imagine her life without him.  

They both laughed between their tears, her forehead against his. 

His hand then reached her stomach and rested there. "We will be together in this," he promised. 

She nodded while humming, "Yes we will." 

"Elena," his hand pulled a strand of hair behind her ears. "You know. You were the light to my darkness and without you, I'm like a dark moonless night. Do you remember when you were sick and you laid on my lap while you were shivering from a fever? That day I realized that I indeed loved you. From that day, you were my moon." 

Her heart drummed in her chest as she listened to his words. 

"It is like I waited for you all these years. Do you remember when you threw up because of the chicken smell at my family's house? My father thought you were with a child and when he said that, I thought of what it will be like to have a child with you. I liked that idea a lot but always thought that it was unattainable but now I can't even tell you how happy I'm. It nearly feels unreal." 

Her hands caressed his cheeks, "We will raise this child together. You will be an amazing father I'm sure about that. I will always love you, till the last breath. Do you remember when I came back to the apartment and I was soaking wet because you yelled at me to come? I said that I hated you and then I woke up and I realized that I indeed loved you. From that day you were everything meant to me."

They laughed as they kept recalling every memory they shared those past years. And there were tears but not a sorrowful ones. It was tears of joy, hope, and love.  

The rain grew heavier around the house as raindrops tapped the windows. Pools of water formed in their backyard garden. By the sound of the rain they grew still listening to the melody of rain and It was as if there was music in the air. 

Happy endings might only be in fairytales and this is not a one. Life always hides something for you and fate is destined to be in a certain way and life goes on. The broken heart gets mended. True love finds its way back to you. A loyal friend is always there for you. And no matter how dark the storm is, the sun will invade the sky with its light. 

This is an epilogue after all. An epilogue for a story that started with marrying the professor. 




The End 


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