Chapter 3 - It's Alright

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'Long as I know, long as I know that you love me
Honey, it's all right'

3rd Person POV.

Weeks pass and everyone starts to get back to their old selves. The Weasleys were at the Burrow for a while, but decided to come back here for convenience and because it's safer. Just in case. Especially now that Percy has left and become a Ministry slave.

Malia heard about it, but she doesn't even have the strength to open her mouth, let alone comfort the Weasley family to ask questions.

Fred and George are coming up with more ideas for their plans, especially now that they got the funding for it, thanks to Harry.

Ginny works hard in practicing her Quidditch and sending letters to her boyfriend, Michael Corner. Jackson and Lucas started exercising more, although Lucas would have moments in the day when he was silent, probably thinking about Rosalie.

Malia, however, stayed in her room. Nothing anyone did could get her to leave, besides going to the bathroom and barely showering. Evelyn tried to brush her hair and clean her up, Sirius brings her breakfast, lunch, and dinner which she barely eats.

Ginny tries to spend time with her, but they wouldn't talk much. She tries to talk to her about Michael, but she just nods or hums. Jackson tries to get her to come shopping or try on new clothes, but she says she is too tired too.

Bill came back after getting an office job at the bank in order to be closer to the Order and help out as much as he can. He also tried to bring Malia gifts he found in tombs and asks her for relationship advice with Fleur, but Malia just stares and nods. Told him to be himself.

The twins tried to include her in business plans and prank ideas but she wasn't interested. They couldn't even get her to smile. Jackson bought back Archibald, but even he couldn't cheer her up.

Even Lucas tried to do something. But he was more focused on himself. He spent a lot of time talking to Evelyn about the coven and learning everything about them and helping the adults figure out what to do about the witches.

One day, the twins knock on her door. Fred walks in with a fake mustache, knowing Malia would not miss a chance to make fun of him. "Hello, Leah. Look, candy, or spell. Come on guess."

"Freddie. I can't do witty right now. Okay. Leave me alone." Malia replies.

The twins look at each other sadly and leave. "Sorry Leah, get better soon." George replies.

Eventually, Sirius had enough. "Alright, get up. Wash your face, wash your hair. I don't care what you do, but you get up and you do it. Right now."

"No." Malia says lying on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"This better not be about that boy that I always thought was not good enough for you!" Sirius yells.

"As if." Malia says quietly.

"Get up. Now." Sirius says sternly.

"Interesting time to start being a Dad, Sirius." Malia replies.

"I am your Father, do you understand. You listen to me." Sirius replies.

"Did you listen to your parents?" Malia asks.

Sirius sighs, "This is different."

Malia stays silent. Sirius sits down, tears forming in his eyes as he quietly says, "Please, Malia. nd I know... what it feels like to lose people you love. Friends you considered like family. But this, this isn't healthy. You can't stay stuck here, in the past. Trust me... I hate it here, so you must too. I want nothing more than to level this house, to move on. And I can't leave, or I'll get caught. You can and you should."

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