Ray shook his head as he put his hand into his pocket I frowned, what it he doing ? Summer looked cautious as she hesitantly placed her ear against the wall "Ok I can hear him" Summer said as she plastered her hands against the wall, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. I looked back at Ray, who now had a phone in his hand, those freaky eyes flickered between us and his phone he let ou a sigh as he shook his head and took and deep breath as he placed the on his ear. 

Oh for fuck s- "We have a problem" Summer said her voice shook slightly "You need to come now" Summer moved her head away from the wall, she closed the curtains and moved past me and sat on the sofa. Summer let her body fall onto the sofa with a thump as she looked at up at the ceiling "Leah is the most powerful witch I know, we're safe here" Summer placed an arm over her eyes as she let out a sigh. Me and Natalia looked at each other before we moved to sit on either side of Summer. 

I saw Summer gulp "I mean if shit turns side ways we just run and we don't stop.. out scents are covered up so all they will be chasing is anything we leave behind" a loud knock echoed around us making us all freeze. Summer slowly moved her arm away from her eyes "Just ignore it.. they're just trying to open it but they can't get in" Summer sounded so confident, and I'm sure if this conversation was happening over the phone I would believe her. My eyes scanned her tensed body, but as of right now I don't believe her. 

Natalia grabbed a pillow that sitting next to her and held it tightly across her body "I think Summer is right  u nas poredok" (we're fine) I rubbed my sweaty hands on my trousers and nodded I guess if something was to happen it would have happened already. 

"Hello ladies

My back straightened at the monotone voice, I snapped my heads towards the curtain. I gulped as a chill went up my spine, Summer flinched as she flung her arm away from her eyes and sat up and looked in the same direction as me with wide eyes. 

"This...this is strong magic" I let out a scream as a shadowy figure emerged from the curtain, Natalia let out a shriek and Summer let out a gasp as we all scrambled away  from the darkness that was now forming into a shape of a person. All three of us backed away then froze when a pair of yellow eyes started emotionlessly at us. The shadow soon turned into a man, his face was pasty white with red..I want to say paint..streaks down his cheek.  I gulped as my eyes scanned his outfit, dressed in a suit that is disturbingly  similar to the jokers suit, his hands covered with pearl white gloves . My eyes went back to his face, I felt someone grab my arm but I was too scared to even move as the man smiled. This was anything but nice, it felt dangerous. His pearly white teeth gleamed in the dimly lit room as he took a step towards us. 

I flinched and took a step back, I felt Summer and Natalia do the same. The man shook his head "Relax ladies.." the man held out his hands and tilted his head "This is just a projectile form of myself.. the magic that binds you here is strong" The man eyes moved from me, to Summer and then to Natalia and they stayed there. Not once did he look away before he tutted " vy daleko ot doma, natalia" (You're a long way from home Natalia) Natalia let out a gasp and my body shook with terror, Natalia never responded as the man looked around the room.  

His voice was almost playful like as he walked towards the curtain "I'll work through this magic.... and you'll have no choice but to come out.." the man trailed off before his steely gaze moved back to us "I can't enter here again until I undo this..witchcraft" The top part of his lip curled in anger before he quickly moved his lips into a smile "Now I know what you look like..who you are.." The mans figure started to fade slightly "My name is Asmodeus.. and I know which" his eyes moved across all three of us as he was now looking transparent. his eyes moved from Natalia "one " to Summer 'I' and I felt the and which I now know is Summer as her hand tightened on my arm  before they stopped at me, those eyes almost seemed excited 'want' and with that he was gone. 

Book 2 of Human: Kingdom of SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now