Chapter 10

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"I'll go first", I volunteered since no one else said anything.

"No you stay", Kai spoke, "I'll go".

I tried to stop his saying since it was my plan I should have go first but he already opened the window and hoisted himself up to the ledge.

Without a second thought he jumped and everyone rushed to the window and to see if he had landed safely.

Thankfully he had. Kai looked up and gestured us to jump too. I took got up onto the ledge of the window and jumped.

I expected to land on the ground but instead Kai caught me in his arms. A strange feeling spread through me as I made contact with him and he quickly let go of me.

Once everyone else had gotten down safely it was around 9.00pm and I was hungry and thirsty too.

"Let's go now, I'm exhausted", Katie complained and grabbed Kai by his wrist and dragged him away.

The rest of us followed the two siblings as they argued over something. We saw the convenience store at a distance and I guess my hunger and thirst overtook me. I ran towards the store at full speed and seeing me run, everyone one else did the same.

I stopped in front of the doors and took a look at the store. The lights were turned on and there was no sign of anything that would show a zombie had been here. Besides it looked like it had plenty of food.

"I think it's safe", Kai answered opening the door.

The rest of us followed him inside and it was completely empty. We all were so glad to see a place filled with food that we rushed off to get everything we want.

Meanwhile Kai still had his gun in his hands and looked alert. I wanted to tell him to loosen up and eat but I was too happy to see food since we had left the backpack in which we had food in back at the mall.

As I was deciding between Cheetos and Potato chips I heard something fall.

It seems like everyone else had heard it too since they all turned towards the counter.

Kai reacted immediately, walking over swiftly to the counter. He held out his gun and looked behind the counter.

And as he did two people, a girl stood up from behind it, "I'm not a zombie".

I guess he didn't have to suspect everyone, because my friend and I weren't zombies and Elias too wasn't.

"Why were you  hiding?", I asked.

"We first thought you'll were zombies", the girl told me.

"Since we're not, care to join us", Elias asked but before he did he glanced over at Kai for approval which he granted.

Soon we were all sitting around on the ground eating, talking, laughing and I was actually enjoying myself even in the midst of this situation.

I got to know the girl as Amanda.

"So were you here since it all started?", Selena asked them

"Well I was", Amanda explained.

The time passed with us having fun and once I finished eating my Cheetos I stood up and walked up to the counter.

I walked behind it to get what I wanted to when Kai came up behind me.

"What you looking for?", he asked.

"Cigarettes", I answered grabbing a pack.

"Oh you smoke?".


"Same", he replied and took the pack out of my hands.

Taking one out for himself and a lighter, he handed it back to me.

"When we leave tomorrow morning grab a few more packs".

I rolled my eyes, who did he think I was, his freaking slave.

"Get your own", I said taking one put for me.

Putting it between my lips I grabbed a lighter and lit it up.

Kai chuckled as I walked past him outside.

"Don't go out!", Kai yelled following me.

"Why? It was safe when we came here".

"We don't know about now".

"It's fine", I replied opening the door and stepping out.

Kai still followed me. Leaning against the shops window I put the cigarette back between my lips and he did the same.

"This moment could've been good, if we weren't in the middle of a apocalypse", he said turning towards me.

I shurgged, puffing out smoke. Kai sighed and turned his gaze back towards the sky.

"You said you had tattoos?".

"Yeah, so?".

"Show me".

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"Why should I?".

"I'll show you mine", he replied.

That got my attention, I didn't know he had any since I haven't seen them. But even my tattoos were covered up so I guess it made sense.

"Fine", I replied taking off my sweatshirt.

I then lifted the sleeve of my shirt up to my shoulder an showed him the butterfly tattoo one of my friends at camp dared me to get.

I also showed him the lightning bolt on my ankle and the flock of birds on my collar bone.

"Your turn", I told him putting on my sweatshirt back on.

He showed a one of a dragon on the back of his neck. His hair covered it so that's why I probably didn't see it. He had one more on his chest which he took off his shirt to show and that gave me a great view of his abs.

Once he was finished he put his shirt back on and went back to looking at the sky.

"I very rarely go out at night", Kai said.

"I'm surprised", I said tossing away the tiny remains of my cigarette.

"Thought you would be".

"Why though?", I asked turning towards him.

"That day, of the car crash, it was a really rural area. Katie and I were stranded and it was so dark we barely could see anything. Since then Katie and I had a problem with being out at night alone".

"Oh damn, I didn't think it was serious", I told him.

"It's fine", he shurgged.

The two of us were quiet was a long time before I spoke.

"I'm gonna go back, I'm tired".

He nodded and followed me back inside.

Everyone was spread out on the ground sleeping wrapped up in sleeping bags or blankets.

Everyone except Steven and Katie. I glanced at Kai who looked as confused as I did.

The two of us decided to look for them. I then saw a door which I didn't see before. It had sign which read 'Storage'.

"The Storage room", I told Kai and he walked towards it.

I followed him too and he opened the door to find Katie and Steven making out.

"STEVEN! KATIE!", Kai yelled.

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