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Scars pov

I woke up to an annoying buzzing sound I went to turn it off but I couldn't? Something was on my arm. I woke up and saw a sleeping Grian snuggled up to my chest laying on my arm. I blushed and then remembered what happened last night. The alarm was still buzzing so I reached over with my other arm and turned it off. I lied in bed with Grian for a little longer before I heard knocking at the door. I slowly lifted Grian up not to wake him, removed my arm from under him, and later him back down gently. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Good morning Scar! It's time for breakfast get dressed and wake Grian up if he isn't already, Me, Cleo, Ren, Doc, Martyn, Scott, Jimmy, and everyone else will be at the coffee place across from here! Hurry we'll be waiting!" Pearl said before skipping off but right before she was out of earshot she stopped and shouted "ALSO ITS PRETTY CHILLY OUT SO DONT FORGET A JACKET!!" Then continued to skip off to catch up with the others.

I waved goodbye to her closing the door and turned around to see Grian was kind of? awake but he still looked a little groggy. "Good morning sleepy head! Your clothes should be mostly dried off by now they are over there next to the window!" I walked over to my bed and grabbed some clothes out of my bag before walking past Grian into the bathroom to change.

I closed the door to the bathroom and saw Grians sweater from yesterday on the floor. I picked it up and it was all soggy and gross so I put it in the sink. I changed out of my pjs and into my outfit for the day! A green shirt and black jeans. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Grian looking around the room for something.

"Watcha looking for G-Man?" I leaned against the frame of the bathroom.

Grian groaned and stood up straight. "My red sweater! It's the only jacket thing I brought and I can't find it!" He continued to search the room.

"Oh." He looked at me.

"Oh what."

"It's still soaked.."

He froze. "AUGHH" he shoved his face into the bed next to him.

"You can borrow one of-"

"NO." He shot up. "Scar I appreciate it but you already let my wear your clothes last night and I just can't."

"Grian it's fine! I don't mind I only planned on wearing one of my jackets anyways!" I reached into my bag and grabbed a green jacket with white markings on the sleeves. "Here! Now go get dressed so we can meet up with everyone!"

Grian sighed in defeat and headed to the bathroom with his clothes and my jacket. I grabbed another jacket from back it was blue and white striped! I put it on and waited next to the door for Grian to finish getting dressed. He came out shortly afterwards tilting his head down and hiding his face with his hair. He had his sweater in hand and layed it out to dry before we left.

Pearls pov

We were all at the coffee shop waiting for Grian and Scar. We waited TWENTY minutes before they finally showed up. Grian sat next to me and Scar sat across from him next to Cubs.

"So.." Cleo sat up a bit straighter. "What took you guys so long? And is that the hoodie I got you!?" Her gaze shifted between the both of them.

"I'm sorry Cleo!! And yes that is. Grians sweater was soaked, a water bottle exploded..." Scar frantically explained while blushing.

I giggled and spoke up. "Okay are you guys ready to order? It's almost time to head over to the amusement park and we haven't even had breakfast!"

"Yes let's get food! I'm starving." Scott said stretching out the word starving for a more dramatic effect while putting his head on Jimmys shoulder.

(Time skip after they ate)

We finished eating and then headed back to the hotel for attendance. Me and Grian walked together and he told me about last night. He's always had a thing for Scar but I'm the only person he's told because I'm like family to him! It's very obvious that they like each other but they're to stupid to see it.

We made it back to the hotel and the teachers took attendance before making us all get back on the bus so we could get to the amusement park. The amusement park was a fifteen to twenty minute drive. Me, Cleo, Scar, and Grian were the first ones on so we headed towards the back.

Grians pov

I sit down next to Scar but this time I'm next to the window so he can talk to Cleo. I put my earbuds in and start listening to music as we drive to the amusement park. I start to doze off until I completely fall asleep.

I wake up to Scar who is shaking me. "Grian! We are here. Unless you wanna miss the whole field trip I suggest you wake up."

I yawn and stand up. Me and Scar exit the bus and I stretch out my wings. "So.. what do you wanna do first? I don't really care what it is."

"How about we play some of the games! I bet they'll be fun and then we can go on some rides!"

"Okay Scar, let's go look at the games." Me and Scar started to walk over to the game booths.

Scar immediately ran up to this cat themed one and said it looked like Jellie so we had to play it. He bought himself some tickets and attempted to play. He lost three times in a row I felt bad for him and tried to play. Surprisingly I won my second try and got the little plastic Jellie toy. I gave it to Scar because I knew he wanted it and I didn't really car for it.

We were walking around looking for things to do when Scar stopped. "Oh. My. God."

"What is it?" I turned around to see he was looking at a ferris wheel.

"Can we!!" He looked so excited it was so cute. I couldn't say no.

"Sure." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the ferris wheel line.

He didn't let go of my hand after we made it to the line witch made me blush slightly. I think he noticed after a second because he pulled his hand away.

"Heh sorry.." he started fidgeting his fingers.

I grab his hand again. He jumped a little but didn't pull away this time. "It's fine.. I don't mind!"

We waited in line holding hands for what felt like eternity. We made it to the end of the line and walked into the cart thingy and sat down. I've always hated ferris wheels. The fact you can just get stuck in them is so terrifying. But it's fine that rarely ever happens.

Word count : 1188

Omga I'm posting this way earlier than I expected to. I'm really glad people are enjoying this :D it's giving me a lot of motivation <33 I have a lot planned for this fic and can't wait to write the next chapter thanks for the support <333333

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