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Scars pov

I woke up to footsteps and quiet talking. I look up from my seat to see other kids leaving the bus. I went to get up but quickly realized Grian was laying his head on my shoulder. My face heats up a bit before I shake him a little to wake him up.

"Grian?" I started to shake him a little more because he wasn't waking up. "We're here you gotta wake up."

He groaned still very much asleep and buried his face into my shoulder. My face turned a bright pink just as he woke up. He looked up at me still half asleep trying to process what was going on. He shot up a minute after and covered his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry, Scar.." I giggled slightly before putting my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Gri! The bus is stopped and we're the last ones on so we might wanna get off before they leave us here!" I heard him giggle then stand up.

I stood up a second after and we walked off the bus to be immediately greeted by Pearl and Cleo. Pearl started to talk to Grian about whatever? I couldn't hear what they were saying because Cleo pulled me aside to tell me the things I missed because me and Grian were on the bus to long.

After a few minutes Pearl and Grian came back over to us and we started to walk over to the hotel. The sun was starting to set because it almost took us a whole day to get there. We made it in and Cleo walked up to the reception to get us our room keys.
After a few minutes she walked over and tossed Grian the keys to our room.

"Your room is 304 mine and Pearls room is 308 right across from yours! Let's go!" Cleo lead us over to the elevator. "Out of order.. well shit. Guess we're taking the stairs cmon!"

She marched over to the stairs and started to walk up them. We all started to follow shortly after and we just started to talk about whatever came to mind trying to make this long walk seem as short possible. We finally made it to the 3rd floor and walked over to our rooms.

"Good night guys!" Pearl said before walking into her and Cleo's room.

Cleo followed shortly after giving me a smug smile before closing her door. Why? I don't know. I just went into the room and Grian followed me in shortly after closing the door behind him.

Grians pov

I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed closest to the window. I took my backpack off and Scar did the same. We were in a comfortable silence before there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Scar trotted over to the door. Him and the person at the door chatted for a moment before he turned to look at me. "Hey Grian! Want anything to drink?"

"Uhm sure. Waters fine!" Scar then came back into the room with 2 water bottles.

"Here you go!" He tossed the water over to me. I caught the bottle.. maybe I grab it a bit to hard because as soon as I did water exploded out of the bottle onto my face, clothes, and bed...

Scar started to laugh and then walked over to the bathroom. "No towel.." his laughter stoped. "Well this isn't good." He turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

I sighed and grabbed my backpack that was next to me. It was soaked with water... I opened it hoping that my stuff wouldn't be wet. Is was all wet.

I groaned and threw my bag. "Well this is fantastic!" I threw my hands up sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Gri, if you want you can borrow some of my clothes for the night! They might be a little big though.. considering our height differences..." He picked up his bag and started going through it.

Affection : ScarianWhere stories live. Discover now