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My eyes were so heavy and I could hear like muffled voices it was like they were outside the room but my wolf was too weak to hear them

I tried to open my eyes , nothing

I tried again ain't nothing 
I tried once again to open my eyes and this time I can slowly pull them open a burning sensation on my thigh catches my attention immediately I looked down on my rib cage and there is a mark growing it's kind of shaped like a wolf or a dragon

I tried again ain't nothing  I tried once again to open my eyes and this time I can slowly pull them open a burning sensation on my thigh catches my attention immediately I looked down on my rib cage and there is a mark growing it's kind of shaped...

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I go to ask my wolf but I get silent, complete silence I get scared now so I'm trying to just talk to my wolf but nothing's happening it's still silent

just then about two men walk in room and I play like I'm still asleep to hear their conversation

One of them go to a table and start preparing needles so then the first guy says " the boss said not to do anything to her and to bring her to him immediately as soon as she wakes up don't do anything to her don't do so much as may a finger on her  just bring her to me" he perfectly recites

the second guy he says "I don't care what the boss says if I want to prepare this deal or not I want to stick her with the needle I can he's going to realize soon that this you know that I'm going to stick her with is going to help him in the long run so he better be ready cuz whether he likes it or not I'm sticking this needle in her and I am going to be responsible for what she gains and then she's going to be my little magic slave. 

the first guy says "what do you mean magic slave Alex" the second guy now known as Alex says "oh don't you see that Mark on her rib that's got to mean something now this little will even enhance it or kill her Wolf but either way I don't care she's going to be my slave magic or not and the boss oh I'm going to use her to lock him up and then I'm going to kill him and then after I get everything I want I'm going to kill her"

Just ask the first guy goes to say something the door is slammed off the hinges I shoot up even though it causes me great pain because of my thigh which is now stinging I look to the door and see a very big bulky man and he's also handsome too but anyways he seems very livid and what he says next is very shocking he says.......

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