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I found this article on werewolves that have blue blood
It reads as the following


Hybrid species, pg 13

                        BLUE BLOOD
Back In the ancient time werewolves that had blue blood are in fact not wolves at all
They are lycan hybrids. Lycans are direct descendants from the moon goddess and they are rumored to be the rulers of all species and they pick the new elders
And they not only have elemental powers but they have other powers associated with the other species they are mixed with.
they are the strongest species in the world and they are basically untouchable.there are only a few of lycans left to this day . There are only about 500 left in the world like I said their are not a lot left .  There are only about 7 lycan packs in the world the main one with the most people in them is blood moon the most lethal most dangerous pack in the world  at this moment
Mean while the rest of the packs are all over the world the closest pack to blood moon is crescent moon  but they don't take visitors to lightly .so If you have blue blood sometimes you are a most likely a lycan and if you heal faster than you can say werewolves you are most likely a lycan .. Pg 12

                        Hybrid species
The studies of hybrid species started a very long time ago when the moon goddesses mate was a vampire. And this caused major conflict between the werewolf and vampire community. Meaning the werewolves we're pressuring the moon goddess to reject her mate and the other way around. but the moon goddess forbid them from making a Decision for her and since she was the maker of all werewolves so it was really her

ecision. Years later the moon goddess and her vampire mate reproduced and they're kid was considered a hybrid female and the first female alpha and the most powerful being in the world. And 18 years later her mate was a werewolf and they mated and she was pregnant and then they're kid was given the title of first lycan And so on until they're was a lot of wolves so they can make what are called alphas so they can form packs

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