Trᥙth ᥲᥒd Coᥒsᥱqᥙᥱᥒᥴᥱs

Start from the beginning

The hangar doors opened slightly as Mika followed by Rex and a pantoran female exited them to greet the clones, the skywalker having a smirk on her face as she greeted Hunter.

"Knew you'd come one way or another." She said as she hugged the sergeant before moving aside to greet the others as Genesis and Omega gave the jedi a strong hug.

"Glad Mika was able to convince you guys to come." Rex commented as the Jedi joined her friend, shrugging in response before introducing the Pantorian.

"This is Senator Riyo Chuchi. These are the special clones me and Rex told you about." She motioned to the crew as Omega waved at the senator as she nodded, a faint smile formed on the senator's face as she thanked them for coming.

Hunter asked Mika why she and Rex asked for them to come here as the three glanced at each other before the captain said it was inside, that there was something that they wanted to show the clones as they led them inside.

Taking them over to a table that sat a bodybag as they gathered around the table, Omega tried to get a peak of what was inside as Echo held her back. Unaware of what they would expect. Rex pressed one of the bottoms laying on top as the front piece slid open revealing a deceased clone as the Captain explained he's an assassin and that his identifying numbers were wiped.

"Who was his target?" Hunter asked as Rex explained it was a contact of his named Slip, saying he was in danger and that the two rushed to Coruscant to get him out but the assassin got him first and almost the senator first.

"Why would a clone be targeting another clone or a senator?" 

"To silence us." Chuchi quickly told Echo, "Admiral Rampart has the entire Senate believing Kamino was lost to a cataclysmic storm. Slip witnessed the truth." Her head hung slightly before glancing up at the others, unaware that the six clones standing before her had first hand experienced the destruction of their homeworld. "I wanted him to testify to Rampart's crimes."

"We were there too, Senator." Echo quickly reassured, "I can be your witness." 

Throughout the conversation Mika glanced over at Genesis as the female clone seemed very closed off at the moment as she hasn't spoken once since entering the hanger and especially at the mention of Kamino the grip her hands held on her covered arms tightened as the conversation of Kamino grew more prominent.

The Jedi was about to open her mouth to ask if the clone was okay before Rex brought up the command log on Rampart's Venator that would expose the Admiral of his crimes. The Captain explained that Slip made a copy of the event on the ship's backup data banks.

"Where's the Venator now?"

Not keeping her eye off Genesis, the Jedi sighed quietly before she spoke up, "Being retrofitted at the Imperial shipyard right here on Coruscant." The familiar smirk formed on her face as Hunter shook his head, knowing the meaning behind the look on her face, "Lots of security, but.." Her head turned to Rex momentarily "He knows a way in."

"Rampart's Defence Recruitment Bill goes to a vote tomorrow. We must prove his crimes before it passes. I'll return to the Senate and garner support where I can." Chuchi told her plan, determination laced in her voice and on her face as Rex brought up a point that she still could be in danger. "Then I must be on the right track."

"Me and Genesis can go with her and keep an eye out." Omega piped up as the female clone quietly glanced at her.

"You can't enter the Senate district without an Imperial security clearance." Chuchi told her as Tech brought up that he could craft one for the two females as Omega shared a look with Genesis who responded with a quick, but weak smile as she grasped the girl's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

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