🍒008; Full Moon Effects

Start from the beginning

"But, i guess you should forget about her, since she's obviously into-." Stiles murmured the couple of last words.

Scott just stared at him for a while, a serious expression on his face.


Inside Skylar's room, Skylar was with Maia, when Maia had gotten a call from a rather drunk Stiles.

"Stiles." Maia lightly laughed at him.

"Could i talk to Skylar? I think she's been ignoring me." Stiles childishly says over the phone.

Skylar shook her head violently.

Maia ignored her denial, and handed her the phone, Skylar glaring at her.

"Skylar, you're very beautiful, with those beautiful, pink, pouty desirable lips of yours, oh, i love, love you so much!" Stiles slurred.

Skylar just awkwardly laughed.

"Oh! There's something you don't know about Maia and Scott! It is, that since she was nine, Scott has always refered her as his 'dream girl'." Stiles spilled.

"Oh, sorry, gotta go, Scott looks like he's about to murder me." Stiles says drunkenly.

"What was that?" Maia asked confused, seeing a smile on Skylar's face.

"O-oh, nothing, 'dream girl'." Skylar smirked.

Maia was so confused at her choice of words.


The next day at the Beacon Hills High School, Stiles and Scott was seen walking through the school halls in their lacrosse uniform, Stiles seemed happy that he actually got a place on the team, Scott not really caring for the position.

"Who cares? It's just some stupid title! I could've practically smelt the jealousy." Scott rolled his eyes.

"You can smell jealousy?" Stiles asked surprised.

"Yeah, it's like with the Full Moon, it had upped everything to a ten." Scott answered.

"Oh, um, well can you smell desire? Like sexual desire?" Stiles nervously asked.

"Desire?" Scott repeated.

"Yes! Desire, arousal." Stiles says frustrated.

"Like from you to Skylar?" Scott questioned.

"Yes! Look, i just- want to know if she likes me, okay? And i think i completely embarrassed myself over the phone with her and i don't want her to think i'm weird, so, can you, just..." Stiles hopefully asked.

Scott just rolled his eyes, sighing out in frustration, then walking away.

Stiles then happily cheered, at the fact that he'll get his answer, hopefully it's the one he yearned for.


Scott dragged his feet across the halls, a dark look in his eyes, an emotionless look on his face, his dark brown eyes then looked across the halls, then saw 'her'.

Maia was closing her locker, when she came face to face with Scott, who was just staring at her.

"Oh! You scared me!" The ginger haired girl placed a hand over her heart.

"Uh, sorry, um, can we talk?" Scott asked monotonously.

Stiles was walking by the halls, when he saw Skylar by her locker, which caused a frown to be placed upon his face.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now