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The White Lantern Corps of Life is a finnicky one in terms of its members and conditions, even more so than the Indigo Tribe. The White Lanterns were first brought into the DC Universe during the Blackest Night. As Nekron waged war on the entire universe with his army of Black Lanterns, Hal Jordan merged with The Entity to create their counterpart. The White Lanterns are the embodiment of life and use it as their power source. Not only do they have the power of the white light, they also have the special ability to tap into any color of the emotional spectrum and use that power for themselves, except for black of course. Although most of the White Lanterns were returned to normal after the Brightest Day, two characters were able to become White Lanterns again: Boston Brand and Kyle Rayner.

In order to become a White Lantern, there are two different conditions that must be met. The first is that they have complete control over their emotions and must keep them all running on full blast at all times. This is nearly impossible for most people. Imagine being angry, greedy, scared, hopeful, determined, compassionate, and loving all the time. It's just not possible for most people. This, however, is how Kyle Rayner became a White Lantern. He trained with seven different Lanterns from each part of the emotional spectrum until his seven rings merged into a White Lantern Ring.

The second way to become a White Lantern is to be chosen by The Entity, which is how Boston Brand became a White Lantern. He was the hero Deadman before the Blackest Night began, but he was revived by The Entity and became a White Lantern. Following the Brightest Day and Nekron's defeat, Boston was entrusted with a White Lantern Ring by The Entity itself, fully transforming him into a White Lantern.

Becoming a White Lantern in and of itself is a very stressful process, both physically and emotionally. Both Boston Brand and Kyle Rayner were able to survive the transformation, but only because of extenuating circumstances. Kyle had trained for years to become a White Lantern and was finally granted the power when his training was complete, but the emotional stress on Kyle's human body still proved to be too much for him in the end. Boston Brand likely only survived becoming a White Lantern because he was already dead, so the weight of the emotional spectrum could not affect him. Even when one becomes a White Lantern, it never gets any easier. Both Boston and Kyle lost their White Lantern Rings as the emotional stress of it all proved to be too much for them.

Luckily, our candidate for the White Lantern Corps seems to perfectly fit with the criteria presented. The candidate I have chosen to become a White Lantern is... Summer Rose.

Summer is also a very special case in the world of Remnant, and a lot of her special characteristics mirror that of the White Lantern Corps rather nicely

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Summer is also a very special case in the world of Remnant, and a lot of her special characteristics mirror that of the White Lantern Corps rather nicely. One of the most important (and honestly coincidental) of these characteristics is that she is heavily associated with the color white. Aside from the Schnee family, she is one of the most prominent characters to be associated with this color. Her cape and hood are white, and she has always been portrayed with this feature.

One of the ways to become a White Lantern is to be granted a ring by The Entity. While The Entity does not exist in Remnant, there is someone like it who does. The God of Light happens to have the power to bring people back from the dead and takes the matter of life very seriously, as he refuses to bring anyone back to life outside of rare circumstances. He can also tamper with one's life force, as he made Salem immortal before his departure from Remnant. He is also the one who gifted humanity with the power of the Silver Eyes, which Summer just so happens to possess.

Another point in Summer's favor is that she is dead. While it is not expressly stated how she died, the consensus by fans is that she died trying to fight Salem. Despite the fact that Summer is no longer living and would thus not be able to tap into her life energy, this would actually work to her advantage, as the white light has been shown to bring people back from the dead, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, the previously mentioned Deadman, and many more.

With all of these coincidences, it's hard not to draw a parallel between these two, which is why I designate Summer Rose as worthy of wielding the White Light of Life.

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