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The Orange Lantern Corps of Avarice is special because it is not much of a corps at all. The Orange Lantern Corps only ever has a single member. This is because whoever holds the orange light of greed has their own amplified, which compels them to kill anyone else who also holds an Orange Lantern Ring. Only one being has enough greed to control the orange light: Larfleeze, or Agent Orange as he likes to call himself. Larfleeze came upon the orange light while following a map made by Krona, one of the Guardians of the Universe, to the planet Okaara. The lantern that he found corrupted his mind with insatiable greed, prompting him to kill the rest of his fellow travelers and attempt to take over the entire universe, but he was stopped by the Guardians of the Universe.

Now restricted to the Veega System, Larfleeze began hunting people within the star system believing that anyone he encountered was out to take the orange light from him. By killing people, Larfleeze stored their essence into the Orange Lantern, creating an army of loyal Orange Lanterns at his beck and call. He remains the last living inhabitant of the Veega System, as the Guardians made a pact with Larfleeze to leave him alone if he stayed there.

Larfleeze is a special kind of greedy. He's not just out for material possessions, he also wants power. Yes, he did declare that everything in the universe belongs to him, but he does not just limit himself to material possessions. Given that he can control constructs of his fallen victims with his Orange Power Battery, Larfleeze could potentially become one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Does that sound familiar? Good, because my candidate for the Orange Lantern Corps is... Cinder Fall.

Cinder Fall is all about power

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Cinder Fall is all about power. Her goal is to acquire more power so that no one else will look down on her, and she uses any means necessary to get what she wants, including murder. She has a shocking parallel to Agent Orange in this regard, but she can also absorb power from others like him. Using a special Grimm beetle, Cinder was able to extract the Fall Maiden powers from a woman named Amber, allowing her to fully take control of that power once Amber died. She can also absorb powers without the beetle after Volume 3, as the new Grimm arm she receives from Salem can also extract maiden powers.

Cinder's lust for power even overcomes her fear, as she does not seem to be afraid of Salem. In fact, she often defies Salem to do what she wants; it just so happens that her goals and Salem's often align, but their plans differ greatly. Cinder seemingly hoards power so that others would not look down on her as her family did, but she routinely looks down on others and underestimates them, including her own teammates. Hypocrisy seems to be deeply tied into Cinder's character, as she criticizes Winter Schnee and the rest of the Atlas elites for hoarding power while she is actively trying to steal the Winter Maiden power for herself.

Due to her deep lust for power, ruthless methods for obtaining whatever she wants, and willingness to accept hypocrisy to justify her actions, there is no one on Remnant more worthy of the Orange Light of Avarice than Cinder Fall.

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