chapter 13

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"What's the problem?" he says and clenches his fist

''we have to leave'' the soldier replies fearfully

''and the reason?'' Apollo says clearly annoyed

"The Americans are coming" he says and Apollo laughs

"Is this some kind of joke?" he says and laughs

"Sir, it's serious, we have to leave, they are bringing an army and the devil is coming too"

"dear, you must understand that I am not running to escape from anyone, they are coming to the devil" he laughs sarcastically.

i get out of the office and reach a body


''Sofia!'' he looks desperate. I look behind him.


"She still calls you like that?" says Axel and I get confused

"Axel, Eliza, we've been waiting for you," says a voice behind me. I turn and look at a tall man.

"Eliza?" I say and look at her

"I'm sorry for lying to you, I've also been in the Apollo mafia for many years. I needed to meet you. To make sure of some things. It was worth it."


"Eliza, I don't feel well, a lot of information." I fall down, I lie that I passed out just for joke but I understand and hear what is happening around me.

"APOLLO, AXEL" they run in panic.

"WHAT HAPPENED" shouts this voice. He grabs me by the legs and neck and takes me to a room. Logically his, since it still smells of mint and smoke. I cough.

He covers me with a blanket

he panics a lot

"Apollo" I whisper. He runs fast

''What do you want? Another pillow? A blanket? Something to eat? I'm running to the kitchen. No, I'd better not leave you alone. Do you want me to lie down next to you? ''

"I want you to shut your mouth" I say and he is surprised

"Since when did you become so mean, a quiet little girl, I remember you"

"So you didn't know me, you probably know me now, nice to meet you" I say and shake his hand. I get up and he looks at me panicked.

"Sit down" he orders me.

Ain't no way, ain't no fuckin' way

"You sit down" I order him and he does it straight away. I laugh. I walk around the room, he looks at me wherever I go.

"Look, the big boss of the mafia takes orders from the quite little girl?" as soon as he hears the sentence, he clenches his jaw. He gets up and approaches me.

''And you are the little girl?''he says in a voice.OH I CAN'T STAND

"yes-yes" I say as he comes closer I leave the room and go to mine. Right opposite.

he leaned against the doorframe

"What exactly are you doing?" I say and raise an eyebrow. His arm and veins are in the right position. They look amazing.

"Enjoying the view?" he says and smirks

"Very funny" I say and turn my back to him.

"Love, you won't turn your back on me, do you understand?" he says and grabs my waist.

"Now take your hand away from there" I say and hit him playfully

"Okay, okay, we'll talk, don't worry." I laugh and don't give him any importance.

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