chapter 20

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AUS23 (1:1) - Charles Leclerc


Max stood outside Daniel's place and knocked. When Daniel opened he sighed, but let him in.

"I guess I'm never getting rid of you, am I?" Daniel said.

"Guess not."

Max sat down. "I'm here to apologize."

"Wonder how that went the last time..."

"For real, and sober, this time."

"Go on."

"This year has been... something... I don't think you get it, but I have never had a real relationship before. I've been in love with guys, I guess, but I have never dared to admit it, even to myself. I've been with girls, but I never liked them. Meeting you, it just scared me. It scared me because I could see myself with you. It scared me because I was and still am so insanely in love with you, Daniel."

Daniel looked surprised, he had tried to get Max to admit for so long now.

"I get that you hate me-" Max started.

"I've never hated you Max. I love you, and that is why you are such a dick," Daniel interrupted.

"I just want you to know that I won't be driving next year. I'm taking a year off. 'Working on myself', I suppose. And I've cut contact with my dad. But I made sure to tell him I was gay first," Max smiled slightly.

Daniel smiled back and hugged Max. "I'm happy for you, Max. I've been waiting for you to do that for longer than you know."

"Who will be taking your seat next year?" Daniel asked.

"Mick Schumacher. You know, he hasn't had a seat this year and he knows it will just be for one year, but I think he is hoping to show his worth in a good car so that other teams want him again."

"Good for him. Speaking of that, I haven't told you, but I have a seat for next year, actually." Daniel announced.

"Really? That's great! For who? Please don't say McLaren!"

Daniel laughed. "No, God, no. It's with Haas. I will be taking Nico's seat. We've discussed and we have a lot of the same wants. I also love that they won't be treating any of us as a number one driver, so I'll actually be able to show my worth without having to back off."

"I'll be on the sideline supporting you," Max smiled at Daniel. They were sitting next to each other. As the conversation faded away they looked at each other and slowly tilted closer. They came so close that they were breathing in each other's air.

Right before their lips were about to meet, Daniel stopped. "Max, I can't do this."

Max sat up and nodded. He was sad, but he got it.

"I'm sorry, I really want to, it's just after everything you've put me through. I don't really want to put more guilt on you, but I just can't trust you to not leave me the next day. I don't want to get my feelings hurt by you again. I'm not saying never, just not right now."

"No, I get it. I haven't done much to prove myself. I hope I can redeem myself someday," he said sadly and left.


Max drove to the hospital to go see Charles. He felt he owed him at least that. He brought him a bouquet.

"Hi," he said carefully when he walked into the room.

"Hello," Charles answered.

"How are you doing?"

"My head is hurting and I'm tired, but I'll live," he smiled.

"I'm really sorry, Charles. I don't know what I was thinking."

"I'd be lying if I said I'm not mad, but there's nothing to do about it now."

"Well, I won't be driving next year, so you don't have to worry."


"Yea, it's for the best."

"I think so too."

Carlos walked in. The moment he saw Max he started cursing in Spanish.

"It's okay, Carlos, he's come to apologize."

"And you forgive him?" Carlos asked.

"Meh, I don't know yet. Maybe later," Charles answered.

Carlos sat down in a chair and gave Max a killing look. Max felt a little uncomfortable, but he figured that was the point.

"I'll leave you two to it, get well Charles," Max said and Charles nodded in response. Carlos kept plotting his death.


Later that day, Max decided to send Lewis a text to congratulate him.

Max: Hey man, congratulations on the 8th title. If anyone could ever do it, it had to be you.

Lewis: Thank you, I wish it had happened under different circumstances, though.

Max: I will be coming out with a public announcement tomorrow, but I just want you and everyone else to know that I will be working on myself and that I've had a very stressful year. What I did on that last race, and how I treated George as well, should never have happened.

Lewis: Glad to hear it, hope you get better!


The next day Max did as he said he would, he stood forward at the press conference and held a speech he had been preparing the last couple of days.

"After the incident of the last race of the season, I have had to take a look at myself and found out that I need to start putting myself first. Maybe it has seemed like that was exactly what I had been doing all along, but the truth is that I have never driven a race for myself. I have never won a race for myself. I have never won a World Champion title for myself. I have been driving for someone else my entire life. And in the end, it made me a dangerous driver. I want to state my public apology to Charles, he did not deserve this.

"I and Christian have come to the agreement that next year I will not be racing. I will be back, but I need a break. So for the 2024 season, I will be the reserve driver of Red Bull Racing. I welcome Mick to the team, and I wish him the best.

"I also need to acknowledge my mistreatment of George. He was also just another driver I let my own frustrations get out on.

"I want to congratulate Daniel Ricciardo on getting a seat for next season, I'm really happy for you, Daniel. And also, there is one thing I need to get out before someone else does it. I'm gay. Thank you."

The crowd went completely silent for a second, but then they started cheering. Interviewers started talking in each other's mouths, everyone wanting to ask Max more questions.

Daniel ran over to Max and kissed him. The crowd went wild.

"I fucking love you," Daniel said.

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