Chapter 1: Unbelievable

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A/n: Hi! This is my first story so I'm sorry for any mistakes ><

You just finished watching Duty After School yesterday. And you were so frustrated because of the ending and you wished you could kill Youngsoo before he killed the others. You were now at a study cafe trying to do your assignments but your mind couldn't focus.

"Ugh, I can't do this anymore." You closed the laptop and put your hands on your head gripping your hairs.

You got up with your stuffs and left the cafe since it's already been pretty late. You went back to your apartment and freshened up. You went to your bed to sleep thinking how terrible duty after school's ending was.

"I wish they had happy ending." You sighed and fell asleep.

You woke up by bird chirping noises. You stretched and slowly opened your eyes just to meet with a unfamiliar room. You quickly got up and looked around. You were confused when you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n, Come down fast! You don't wanna be late on your first day." that's my mom's voice but how...

You went downstairs and saw your mom in the kitchen.

"M-mom what are you doing here and where are we?"

"What do you mean we just moved to Korea last week, are you still asleep?" she chuckled. "Yah what are you waiting for get ready you'll be late."

"Late for what?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Yah what's wrong with you it's your first day in your new school? Get ready!" she pushed you toward your bedroom not letting you talk any further. You had no choice but getting ready and eat your breakfast.
What's happening...

You left for school. Your mom is dropping you off while going to her work. You got down and bid her goodbye. Then turn around and see the school name "Seongjin High School"

You were shook by the sight. This can't be it right? I can't be in the drama... right it's not possible...

You made your way inside. You were looking around and everything was exact the same... Your mom told you to go to the school office so you did.

You saw Ms.Park looking and smiling at you.

"Oh hey you must be the new student in class 3-2."

Class "3-2" this is it.. this is IT.

You were staring at her and then quickly nodded.
She took you to the class. You went inside and looked at everyone. Everyone was alive, laughing and having fun. You sighed and smile.

"Attention everyone this is the new student I told you about."

"The one from abroad?" Soyoon asked.

"Yes, Introduce yourself." Ms.Park said while tapping your shoulders.

"Uhm H-hello everyone. I'm Y/n. I hope we'll get along." You smiled nervously.

Everyone said hello to you.

"Do you guys have anything to say?" Ms.Park asked.

"I'm the class president, let me know if you need help with anything. I hope we'll be good friends!" Yujeong said while smiling at you.

"Nice to meet you y/n." So yeon said. You smiled at them.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Taeman winked.

"Yahhh Taeman!"

You laughed "No, I don't "

"Don't mind him." Ms.Park laughed as you nodded your head as no while smiling. "Okay go and sit behind Chi yeol."

You made your way to the seat before she could say anything else. You suddenly stopped and realized everyones eye was on you.

"How do you know I'm Chi Yeol?" Chiyeol asked confusingly while pointing at himself.

Everyone was staring at you. Shit, that's embarrassing.

"Uhm uh.." You mentally facepalmed. "o-oh yeah I just guessed it because this is the only empty seat" You laughed nervously and sat down.

After the first class ended, everyone came to talk to you. They were really friendly. Even Il ha said hi to you surprisingly. After everyone went back to their seat, You were looking at the spheres in the sky. Ugh I don't even know if I'll be able to do anything or not. You turned around to see Chi yeol watching sphere videos on YouTube.

"Don't you wonder what it is and why it's up there" You asked.

He looked at you and said, " I do want to know but at the same time I have a bad feeling about this." He said worriedly. You were quiet not knowing what to say further, "What if it's dangerous." He sighed and looked at the spheres.

"Hey don't worry everything's gonna be fine." You gave a assuring smile and he slightly smiled back.

Time skip

Finally I'm home. It's been a long day. I became friends with everyone. Honestly it didn't even feel like I met them for the first time. I really enjoyed their company. I smiled thinking about today.

"No matter what, I won't let you guys die."

"Are you gonna be able to save them or did you just got yourself into a trouble?

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