Rachel.. the little girl that Tara was afraid of?

"When we found his body, Rachel was.. relieved. She's actually sleeping at night. She's not having nightmares. She's not as angry as before."

Tha Savior I killed on the road meant something to Rachel.. One of the few children that were still round.

The idea of nightmares scarring a young girl sends a pang of hurt through my chest. I used to have nightmares when I was her age. Hell, I still did every once in awhile.

And Rachel's father was killed? By that Savior I killed just because we were walking on the same road?

"Why did you do it?" Cyndie asks.

My heart aches for Rachel. Sympathy and reliability.

"There wasn't a reason," I admit. "I just saw him walking. I wanted to do it."

"He didn't say or do anything to you?"

"No," I deny. "I just wanted to kill a Savior. It could've been any of the others and I still would have done it."

Cyndie slowly nods. "There's still so many of them."

"Too many for my liking," I confess and lean on one of the stalls.

"We could fix that."

"How so?"

Cyndie looks around to make sure no one was listening again.

"Cyndie?" I call.

"Oceanside is pissed that Negan is still alive. That people like that asshole that killed Rachel's dad are still alive."

"You have every right," I assure.

"What if we took them out? One by one so they'd never know?"

"Just me and you?"

"No.. I mean.. Maybe. Your mom would understand, I'm sure. But, I don't want to threaten her leadership if it backfires and Rick goes all.. Rick."

I chuckle at the wording.

"But, Oceanside saw what Maggie did to Gregory. What you did to that Savior just because he was a Savior.. We can put an end to it indefinitely."

I was going to do that anyway.

I was already doing that.

"There's another body twenty feet away from the Park Road," I reveal. "And two more out past the storage unit place. There's a body in one of the units, too. But, I locked him in there with walkers, so there's probably not much left."

Cyndie's jaw drops a little before she smiles. "Look at you getting a head start."

"Since Daryl's been leading the Sanctuary, I listen to what he says about certain people acting. Relationships they form. Then, I lure them away and.." I shrug. "I've been doing it like this for about three months."

"So.. are we doing this?" she holds her hand out.

"I was already doing it," I put my hand in hers and shake. "Probably best to have a team, though."

"And the arm?" she asks.

"I fucked it up when they came to Hilltop. It's been giving me trouble ever since."

"You want to go talk to Enid? I'll come with you so you don't feel like.. stupid. I cut my hand so badly I needed stitches because I was cutting potatoes. I'm sure she wouldn't flinch at a war injury."

I huff a laugh and nod. We walk out of the stalls side by side.

"It wasn't a potato slicer, was it?" I ask, glancing over at her.

"No, it was not," she remarks with a grin.

"No, it was not," she remarks with a grin

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𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝒶𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈--

I love oceanside so much hi

ellie killing saviors in secret this whole time just being a little bloodthirsty badass I love my demon child

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