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The route back home was down. A herd came through and destroyed the bridge.

"We can get to Alexandria from this side," Michonne reminds mom. "You can stay there until the herd passes."

"No," mom states, cold and plain.

My hand lingers near my gun. I could go to Alexandria.

"Route A has taken days to clear. I need to get back home to Hershel," mom continues. "This is the first time I've been this far out from him."

"Didn't you pump?" Michonne wonders.

"For today. Not a few days," mom huffs. "I need to go back home."

"I'll go route A," I volunteer. "Clear up the herd a bit. Speed the process up, you know?"

"Daryl, Rosita, Ellie.." Rick names. "Go route A, then."

I look to mom for confirmation. 

"Go," she assures. "I'll see you back home."

"Tell Anna I'll be back in the morning," I request, hugging mom gently.

"You want me to walk Orla when we get home?" Ken asks.

"Appreciate it," I say, walking by and fist bumping Marco.

"Stay safe," mom calls as I hop onto the back of Daryl's bike.

Rosita gets on her four-wheeler and the three of us head to route A.

I wasn't completely set on today being the day. But.. if I was given the opportunity, then how could I deny?

We arrive to route A and get off the vehicles.

"Gabriel is taking a team back to Alexandria. We need to clear this up since Rick and Michonne are staying the night at Hilltop," Rosita says.

"When the bridge fell, did it take the relay radio with it?" I wonder, taking out my weapons.

"It did. I spent damn months on that just for it to wash away," Rosita sighs.

We set to work on clearing the herd. I had been training for months with the weapon Earl made for me long ago. I was now up there with Daryl and his bow or Ezekiel and his staff. I planned to be stronger. Better. I had to be.

Once the herd is clear, just from the three of us, I look between Daryl and Rosita. I was keeping up with the best fighters out there. I could do this. Today was the day.

"You wanna crash at Alexandria?" Rosita asks Daryl and I as we go back to the vehicles.

"I gotta get back to Sanctuary," Daryl sighs.

"Hey," I call, grabbing his arm. "Talk to him. Come home."

"I'm gonna try," he assures.

I send him a soft smile and release his arm so he could get on the bike. He moves forward, anticipating me to join him.

"I'm gonna go with you," I tell Rosita. "I'm exhausted. Ken's taking care of my horse and Anna's got my stuff held down."

"Really?" she asks as she climbs onto her ride.


"Ellie," Daryl whispers, low and warning.

"I'm good," I reassure him.

He shakes his head like he already knew.

I climb onto the back of Rosita's ride and she takes off down the road.

It wasn't a long ride. My excitement and anxiety made it seem shorter. Before I knew it, we were pulling up outside of Alexandria.

The air felt different once the gates closed. Despite Hilltop having gates and walls.. it was different. Hilltop's walls made me feel safe. Secure. Like a cat wrapped up in a dark blanket cave. Alexandria's walls felt like they were closing in on me. Like it was a prison. Then, I found myself laughing at myself because even the prison itself didn't feel this suffocating.

"You can stay at my place if you want," Rosita offers.

"Sure thing," I agree with a forced smile.

"Ellie..?" Aaron asks. "God, what brings you around?"

I kep my fake smile up and give Aaron a light hug. "Too tired to make the trip home."

"You haven't been here in.. how long?" Aaron asks.

I look to the church. It was repaired. But, I could still feel the blood staining it.

"Awhile," I cough out.

Rosita glances to the church and frowns.

"You still at the same house?" I ask Rosita. "Could I wash up a bit?"

"Yeah, same place. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want."

I nod and walk down the street.

I could sense people staring at me as I walk by. They knew me. Hell, they used to live with me.

I go to Rosita's house and lock myself in the bathroom. I turn the shower on.

My reflection stares back at me. I looked tired, but angry. I take a few deep breaths.

This was it.

I tighten Sasha's gloves around my hands and take my gun out. I had four bullets. I pat my knife and put my gun back in the holster.

When Rosita and I arrived, the sun was beginning to set. It was nearly dark now.

I unlock the window and shove it open. I wasn't sure if she was inside yet. But, I remain silent as I climb out the window and shove it closed again once outside.

When my feet hit the ground, I look up to the steam in the window from the shower still running. I roll my head around and pop my knuckles. 

Then, I sneak through the dim streets until I make it to the house that has the cell in the basement. The cell where Negan was.

 The cell where Negan was

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