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"You snuck into their place?" I repeat Carl's words.

"Their truck, yeah."

I close my eyes and sigh.

"I almost had Negan. But, he kept putting other people in front of him," he reveals.

"Okay.. So why not just shoot them, too?" I ask.

"Because they weren't him."

I cross my arms and lean against the wall.

Everyone else was inside Gregory's office trying to get through to him.

"They literally all say that they are Negan. one way or another, they are him and they have to go."

"That's not how it works, Ellie."

"You didn't hesitate to shoot that guy from Woodbury when he ran up on us in the woods," I recall.

"And I regret that."

I roll my eyes. "Carl, it's not time to pick and choose who lives and dies because you feel bad. If they are on Negan's side, then they have to die. It's that simple."

"It's not that simple," he argues.

"Negan did this. Those people chose to break and become Negan. It is that simple."

"You don't choose to break or not."

"Daryl did. He put up with all their shit and didn't switch sides on us."

"Some people are harder to break."

"No. Some people are just weak. Others choose to join an evil side because deep down, they're evil."

Carl frowns like I said something wrong.

"Thank you for trying to kill Negan. But, you're not as strong as you think."

"Are you serious?" Carl scoffs. "Could you, then? If Negan was standing in front of you, could you-"

"With a smile on my face," I cut him off. "I wouldn't hesitate."

"You've never even killed a person."

"Yes," I spit. "I have. Two, in fact. How many have you killed?"


I knew Carl better than anyone. That boy in the woods, one of the Wolves that had attacked Alexandria, and Lori.

He killed three of Negan's men while he was there.

"I'll be sure and catch up during the fight," I say, turning my back.

"It's not a competition of who can kill more people. That's.. That's not right, Ellie."

"No. But, I'll still win."


Sasha and Jesus left with the others to a place called 'The Kingdom'. Jesus knew them and thought they might fight with us against the Saviors.

Mom, Anna, Josh, and I spoke with the Hilltop people willing to fight. We began to plan out training areas.

Sasha and Jesus returned the next day. The leader of Kingdom wasn't willing to fight. Not yet, at least. Daryl stayed back, he would get through to Ezekiel.

We started training as soon as Sasha was back. 

There were about twenty of us, Josh, Anna, and I included. Sasha and Jesus trained us with knives and hand to hand combat. It was tiring, but we were making progress.

We had dinner together every night. Breakfast every morning. It was, considering all, nice. 

Daryl came back a couple days later. He wasn't getting anywhere with Ezekiel and felt like he'd do better at Hilltop.

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