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I help Alma chop up the vegetables for lunch, and not a single word is shared between us. Normally when we are cooking it's silence, but a warm silence. This silence is a...shaky silence. Y'know?

Once I finish I Walk up behind Alma and wrap my arms around her neck and hug her from behind. She shrugs me off and I hold my heart sarcastically. "You hurt me feelings!" I say dramatically, putting the back of my other hand on my forehead. "Oh, can you shut up for once?" Alma asks as she pulls u her hand and pinches the bridge of her nose, something she does, a lot. "Geez...sorry." I say as I walk back to the vegetables, kind of hurt. That's not something Alma would say...and if she would it would be jokingly.

"Why're you so...in a bad mood alma?" I ask Alma as we are almost done cooking. "I'm not. Cant you leave me alone for once? Why don't you play with the other kids." Alma mutters out as she focuses on the food. "If you say so..sorry." I say with a nod as I quickly hurry out, knowing I have to tell Emma about this.

"That is very peculiar...no pun intended." Emma says with a chuckle after I told her what happened. "Wow Emma. Wow. Anyways, yes it is. She seems stressed or something." I say with a shrug of my shoulders. Before Emma can say anything Alma steps outside. "Foods ready!" Alma announces before going back in, her hands in her pockets. "She probably is, you should find a way to get her to relax." Emma says with a wink as we walk towards the door. "Goddamn Emma! Can you quit making dirty jokes every two seconds, I'll find a way but not like that! Floatie." I say as I run ahead of her. "Hey! Im Not a floatie!" Emma yells behind me. I just chuckle as I make it inside and quickly take my place at the table.

Alma glances at me every once in a while durn dinner, and once as I'm talking to Emma beside me I feel her staring at me. "Whatcha need Miss P?" I ask her, referring to her as her formal name. "Nothing." Alma Mutters under her breath as she goes back to eating. Once I finish I get up, Alma already being gone after saying she's going to her study. I toss my plate in the sink, deciding I'll worry about dishes later. I jog over to Alma's study and quickly lay three knocks on her wood door. I hear a quiet 'come in' after a few seconds.

I close the door behind me and walk up to her desk, where she's looking at some papers, stressed. "Whatcha so stressed over?" I ask her as I lean on her desk. "None of your business." Alma says, setting her head high as her bright green eyes stare into mine. "Why're you so meann?" I ask her, dragging out the word mean as I walk around to be behind her chair. She sighs and sets her head back and looks up at me. "I'm just fine." She says as she stares up at me. "You're not acting like it, you need to relax." I say with a smile as I pull her chair back and spin it around towards me. "I know if I don't give in right now, you'll do something dumb. So I guess." Alma says with a shrug. I chuckle. "Up, please." I say with a smile.

She looks confused but stands up, and I take her place in her comfy chair, before quickly pulling her down on me. "For the love of birds!" Alma says quickly as her hands quickly snake around my neck. "Calm down." I say with a roll of my eyes as I make sure her legs are comfortable. She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder. I rub my hands up and down her back, every once in a while making her shudder. "Feel a bit better already?" I Mutter out as I run my hands through her hair now, slowly taking out the pins. "Mhm.." she mutters out as she leans closer into me. I smile as I lean in and pepper little kisses along her neck, just enough to make her shudder every once and a while. 

I feel her breathing shallow out and I slowly pull myself back a little to see her eyes closed. "Alma.." I mutter quietly. No response. I chuckle as I slowly slide my arms under her and stand up, holding her. She's honestly really light, but her heels hurt on my back. I should've taken them off before lifting her. Oh well, I walk her to our bedroom slowly before setting her on the bed and taking off her heels. I pull the covers up on her and lay a small kiss on her forehead before walking out, closing the door quietly behind me. "Boo!" Emma says as I turn around. I scream at the top of my lungs and quickly Alma opens the door. "Look what you did now Emma." I say with a groan as I walk over to the shocked Alma and hug her. "What happened?" Alma says quickly. "Emma scared me as I was walking out, and I screamed, thats all. Now you need to lay back down and get some more rest." I say with a nod as I hug her tighter. "Not without you." Alma mutters, already relaxing into my touch. I hear Emma chuckle and I motion her off before closing the door behind me and Alma. I walk Alma to the bed and lay her down. I run my hands through her hair, and she quickly is back asleep.

This time when I go to walk out, Olive is standing there, which she about scares me have to death but I cover my mouth. "Goddamn firehead!" I say with a groan as I thump down the stairs, her trailing behind me. "Shut up invisible...bitch." Olive says, not being able to think of anything. "Hah, funny." I say with a sigh as I walk in the kitchen and quickly get started on the dishes.

Sometimes, Alma just needs to calm down and relax.

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