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"Alma....Miss p....." I groaned all throughout the day, my stomach beginning to grumble. "I'm starving.." I mumbles out as I continue to play with the doorknob, twisting it back and forth. "I wonder what you did to Millard." I continue to talk to literally nothing or nobody. That is what I thought. "I locked him in his closet, though he's out now due to the fact he wasn't complaining for seven hours straight." Alma says on the other side of the door. "Alma! You're here! Please let me out...this is so mean....." I groan. "What did I just say about complaining?" Alma coos. "Cmon, this isn't fun...I have claustrophobia.." I groan out as I try and stretch in the small space. "Oh well, and I have paranoia." Alma said from the other side. "I'm sorry....let me out please?" I beg, twisting the handle still. "Hmm......no." Alma says. "I haven't ate in seven hours....I'm hungry." I groan. "I am too." She says. "You just ate dinner, I haven't had dinner..." I groan out. "Okay?" She asks. I'm just gonna stay silent.

"Have you stopped your complaints?" Alma asks after a few minutes. I stayed silent, the only sound filling the room is my stomach grumbling and me and Alma's breathing. She sighs and the door unlocks. I quickly open the door, stumbling up to my feet. "That was so mean!" I say as I storm up to Alma who is sitting on the edge of her bed. "Eh, you started it." She says with a smirk. "But that was incredibly mean of you Alma! I hate you!" I say as I march to the door. "Well, if you hate me so, it's Miss Peregrine to you." She says with a smile. "Fine, Miss peregrine! I'm going-" I cut myself off, not knowing where to go, considering I don't have a room. "Going where, hm?" She asks with a smile. "To Emma." I say as I open the door and slam it shut behind me before walking to Emma's room. I walk in and start to spill everything that happened as Emma just stares at me. "What...? Seven hours?! I heard that she put Millard in for only an hour." Emma says. "What time is it?" I groan as I rub my eyes. "Nine PM." Emma says as she gets up from her bed. "Damn." I say. "Miss y/l/n!" I hear Miss peregrine yelling from downstairs. "Damn, she's even calling you by your last name...goodluck." Emma tells me. I nod and walk out and rush downstairs.

I find Alma in the kitchen, a plate of food beside her. "Here's your dinner." Miss peregrine says as she hands me my plate. "Thank you! Y'know...forget what I said about hating you earlier??" I ask as I quickly start eating. "Hmmm....only if you sleep on the couch tonight instead of the bed, I'll take the bed." Alma says with a smirk. "Fine meanie weanie, this is very mean." I say before walking out with my plate. Very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY  mean

𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮Where stories live. Discover now