15 - Christmas Blues ❄️

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• Chapter Fifteen •
Christmas Blues

You sniffle into the tissue Colin gave you, it's the next day, the sun is out but there's still a cold, fridge breeze to the air.

The next day and you're still crying. Why does Chris have to be such an asshole? He has all these amazing qualities, he's handsome, he's funny, he's smart, he's sweet...on you.

But that stupid temper! And the jealousy makes him unattractive. Makes you go crazy. Takes you for a endless cycle of loving, sex, rage, and jealousy, and fighting. You're tired of it.

"I know it's not the time to say I told you so...but it's definitely an I told you so moment." Colin kisses your head, and makes sure to give you plenty of comforting snuggles.

He's still trying to make up for the asshole move he did to you a few months back. He's just grateful you didn't cut off all communication with him. If anything the one good thing you have in this town is Colin, and Ally plus your students and friends at work.

"Shut up." You say between sobs, making Colin chuckle as you hit his firm chest.


Stella opens the door to her Uncle Chrissy's room, excited to spend another day of winter break with Miss Y/l/n before she went on her trip with Mimi to Disney.

To her dismay she finds only her Uncle Chrissy in bed, stirring around as he huddle the pillow in his arms, she stands there, "where's Miss Y/l/n?"

Chris props his body up and opens one eye to find Stella there with a sad look on her face. Right...he fucked up last night...what he didn't think was you'd actually leave.

A part of him thought you'd wake up beside him, and he'd apologize. Buy you some breakfast and everything would return to normal.

"Uncle Chrissy!" Stella yells at him, doing her best to push on the frame of the bed so she could get on top of it, "where is Miss Y/l/n?"

"She had a family member call her, and she had to leave last night," Chris lies, the last thing he wants is to upset Stella with the truth.

"Oh," Stella pouts, Chris lays his head back on his warm pillow. She wanted to spend more time with you.

"Hey," Chris tickles her side, making Stella giggle, she's very ticklish, "this means I'm going to Disney with you guys, so no pouting."

Sighing Stella lays down too, face to face with Uncle Chrissy, "what's that you have there?" She points to a faded hickey you gave him a few days ago.

He knows because she was pointing right below his ear, "a bruise," Chris responds blandly, "let me see your scar, has it been hurting?"

Stella shakes her head, her adorable big eyes watching her Uncle's face as he looked at her healing scar on her scalp. Slowly her hair was growing too, she really wanted you to do braids on her again, but you had to go unexpectedly.

"Are you excited for Disney?" Chris asks while placing Stella's hair back in place, she nods and gives him the biggest smile ever.

"All my friends from school are all over the world. So I'm excited to travel too!" She squeals, although sometimes chaotic she loves the airport, so many new people, going everywhere, all at once.

"Yeah? Where are they?" Chris chuckles at Stella's excitement, not wanting to move from his bed.

"Rose is in England, Avri is in Colombia, Sasha and Tristian are in Puerto Rico, RJ is in Cuba and Darby is in Italy. I can't wait to hear all about their trips when we go back to school."

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