5 - The One I Want

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• Chapter Five •
The One I Want

The school holds an annual banquet for all the parents just so they can squeeze more money out of them.

It was called the Parent Teacher Association.

I looked at my desk pad and saw the name of the banquet on today's date.

PTA Banquet @7

Was what I wrote, about two weeks ago when Tom reminded me that it was today.

All teachers were expected to attend along with the parents and school staff.

I wasn't looking forward to it, because I knew Mr.Evans would be there.

I close my agenda and stand up from my desk to get the student's attention.

"Okay boys and girls, today we will be finishing Charlottes Web. So, take your books out."

I stood up from my chair, in order to write what page for them to open up to, on the smart board.

"Miss Y/l/n?" A quiet voice calls for me.

"Yes?" I turn to find it was Avry with his small hand up.

"RJ fell asleep." He points to a sleeping RJ, head down on his desk, snoring quietly.

"Thanks for letting me know, Av."

I walk over to where the boys are sitting, and crouch down on the side of RJ's desk. While everyone else stares at me, and what I'm going to do.

"RJ?" I whisper, so he's not startled.

"What?" he sasses back, eyes still closed, not even bothered one bit.

"Do you need to go to the nurses office?" I ask, carefully prying out the pencil he had in his hands.

"Do I look sick to you?"

"No, but you are falling asleep, which tells me something is wrong. Therefore, you might need to go to her office." I calmly explain, even though I want to address his disrespectfulness towards me.

"My dad had a party last night, and I couldn't sleep at all. I went down the stairs and he was on the couch with two girls. I begged him to let me sleep at my Grandma Linda's house, but he refused and tucked me back into bed."

These kids really expose their parents and have no idea that they are.

Ransom is such a horrible parent, this poor boy is being neglected and exposed to god knows what.

RJ picks his head up and gives me soft eyes, he had the same ones as his dad, a blueish green.

"Well, I can speak to your father, and let him know you need to sleep in order to read and participate in class, right, RJ?"

"I mean you could try, he's always busy on the phone, speaking to his workers or moving his mouth strangely on some random girl's face." RJ sighs, putting his head down again.

"Here, why don't you head to the nurse's office for a little while, and come back when you're all better and energized?" I have him stand, writing him out a hall pass.

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