A Drunk Tyler Appears

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Hiya guys!! I don't really know what to write. A little bit of actual Troyler action happens in this one. No kiss tho, SORRY. So I would love it if you guys left some comments about what you think, and please leave a like I guess. Enjoy <3

Tyler was rushing around his apartment like a maniac. A couple of his coworkers were coming over, and usually he didn't worry too much about the way his apartment looked, but Troye was coming this time. So naturally, his apartment needed to be spotless.

His apartment was completely immaculate anyway, but Tyler needed something to do, so he chose cleaning. It made him feel like he was being productive. It was better than just stewing in his own thoughts. That did not sound like a fun prospect.

Tyler was nervous, inviting Troye had been a spur of the moment decision. After thinking about it, it did seem like a good idea. He was never going to improve their relationship if he didn't try. Tyler was a big fan of fighting for what he wanted, and he wanted to befriend Troye.

His door opened, and Dan and Phil came in.

"Dan... knock please! You scared me!" Tyler growled.

"Are you on edge? Does it have something to do with your Boy-Toy?" Dan said with a smirk. He sat down on the couch and put his feet on the table. Phil gave Tyler a polite smile before sitting down right next to Dan. Right next to him. There was an entire couch, and the two of them were practically sitting on top of each other.

"Troye is not my Boy-Toy." Tyler protested.

"Maybe not yet." Phil said. "I bet Dan said like the exact same thing before we started dating."

"I did no such thing." Dan said, his red cheeks betrayed him though. Dan had protested a lot before he and Phil got together. Tyler let out his loud laugh.

"Justice is finally served." Tyler said.

The three chatted a while before a guest finally arrived.

"Hey guys I brought booze!" Sawyer cheered. Behind him was Marcus, Zoe and her boyfriend Alfie. They all piled in the living room.

They had these get-togethers about once a month just to catch up and let off some steam. They were all still quite young so they liked to hang out, you know drink a little, have a small party. Usually they talked or played lame games that reminded them of being awkward teenagers. Apparently being a high schooler was contagious.

"So what have you guys been up to recently?" Zoe asked politely. She took a sip of the drink Alfie poured for her.

"PARTY!" three voices screamed in tandem. The Holy Trinity had arrived. Hannah, Grace, and Mamrie went straight for the liquor.

"Well, I've been thinking about writing a book." Dan said casually.

"That's so awesome!" Tyler said, while the rest of the group cheered.

They talked like that for a while. Catching up on each other's lives was their favorite part of these nights. Just kidding. They all loved letting loose and partying the most.

"Okay let's start with something easy. Who'd you do?" Sawyer said with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Well, I would do Marcus." Tyler said while giggling uncontrollably.

"Same." Marcus shouted.

"So much Myler. My eyes, their burning." Dan groaned, leaning dramatically into Phil. He let out a strangled gasp and then pretended to die. Phil looked down at the boy on his lap with love in his eyes. He ran his fingers through Dan's hair.

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