Chapter 10: Huh?

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//alcohol references


Trophy made his way to Nickels room, and knocked on the door. He waited a few moments before Nickel opened the door.

"Hey." Nickel said, getting out of Trophy's way so he could get in, which Trophy did. Trophy wanted to ask Nickel why he wanted him here, but Nickel interrupted. "Sit on the floor." He said, Trophy did so, still confused but not thinking much of it.

"Want a drink?" The coin asked, having a can of beer in his hand already, it seemed to be a beer. "No thanks, I don't drink." Trophy said, waving him off while looking confused.

Was this the only thing Nickel wanted? A drink with someone?

"Suit yourself then." Nickel smirked weirdly, then drank a bit of his Beer. There was a long awkward pause before Trophy spoke. "Sooo. What the hell am I in here for?" The award asked, raising an eyebrow at Nickel, who chuckled.

"Don't worry, it'll become clear when I tell you." Nickel said, making Trophy get a bit more nervous, "Uh, alright." The Jock said, having an otherwise neutral expression on his face.


The two kept talking about random, fairly boring topics for a bit until Nickel finished his drink and put down the empty can, straightening his posture. "Now, about the reason I called you in here," The sarcastic said, making Trophy roll his eyes a bit. "Yeah, I've kinda been wondering."

Nickel chuckled and furrowed his eyebrows, but still smiled, making him look like an evil villain. "I know you killed oj," Nickel said, making Trophy's eyes widen as he grit his teeth with his mouth still closed. "Wha-" "Don't even defend yourself, I know you did it," Nickel said, making Trophy stand up. "Quit fucking arou-" "Shut the fuck up dude," Nickel said, standing up himself. "I just need a favor from you, I won't tell if you agree to it."

A favor..?

Trophy shook a bit, his lip quivered and he spoke. "What's the favor?" Trophy asked, hands shaking in fear, and also anger.

"Well, I know that you date Cheesy," Nickel said, making Trophy angrier, and making him start to lose patience. "What- Leave him the fuck out of this-" The jock said, shortly before Nickel interrupted, "Oh but he's integral to my favor," He responded, making Trophy sigh. "What about him." Trophy asked impatiently, "I need you to break up with him-" Nickel said, before being interrupted with a punch to his face from Trophy.

//TW: beating, insulting, murder

"What the fuck do you mean?!" Trophy yelled at him, fist still closed as Nickel rubbed his face, "You fucking bitch- I want him. And you shouldn't have him, you fucking murderer." Nickel said vindictively, pointing at Trophy, who was visibly shaking all over. "I killed oj in self defense, you fucker." The jock said, making the sarcastic scoff, "Sure you did, and I'm the God damn President." nickel said.

Upon hearing this, Trophy grabbed onto Nickels neck and started to choke him, while Nickel started trying to scratch Trophy's arms in an attempt to make him get off.

"Get- get the fuck off!" Nickel said hoarsely, making Trophy angrier.

Trophy started to punch Nickel in the face, making Nickel wince and yell before Trophy grabbed his neck with only one hand, using the other to brutally hit his face while his screams couldn't be heard.

Trophy spoke while beating Nickel, "How does it feel you worthless fucker? You piece of shit? Nobody will fucking miss you Nickel." Trophy said, not caring about what he was saying to Nickel.

Trophy continued to beat Nickel for a while, bloodying his face before picking him up by the neck, bringing him over to a wall, and grabbing the back of his head before slamming his face against the wall, making Nickel yell out before Trophy stopped.

"Quit being so fucking loud." Trophy scoffed, before grabbing one of the sheets off of Nickels bed and forcing Nickels mouth open, putting the sheet in before tying it so Nickel couldn't escape.

"There we go." The jock said, starting to hit Nickel against the wall again, this time harder, smirking at the muffled screams and cries from the other.

Blood splattered from Nickels face, and the screams were dying down a bit, although Nickel was still alive, he didn't have the energy to scream as much anymore.

"Fuckin pathetic." Trophy said before putting Nickel on the ground and stomping on the back of his head, then his neck, making Nickels breathing stop.

After a bit, Trophy checked Nickels pulse, and felt nothing.

Satisfied, he looked at his hands, seeing some blood in them, and a bit on his arms, and a drop on his shirt.

Trophy licked his hand and tasted the blood of Nickel, it tasted like a coin, which Trophy didn't mind too much, but he wanted to get out quickly.

Trophy went to Nickels bathroom and washed his hands and arms, taking about 5 minutes to get the blood off, thankfully washing quickly so he wouldn't be stained.

He then walked out to make sure Nickel hadn't moved, which he did not.

Trophy opened the window and decided to throw Nickels body out, just to make sure he was truly dead.

After he did that, he threw the can of beer out of the window harshly, then closed it, staring down at the body and then smirking. "Job well fucking done." Trophy said, getting Nickels phone and hitting it against the nightstand, making sure to break absolutely everything inside of it before leaving the room through the door and walking back to his room.

As soon as Trophy got into his room, he saw Cheesy sleeping still, and assumed he never got up, then went to his phone.

Trophy went to the messages between him and Nickel and deleted the ones about him going to Nickels room.

Trophy felt weird, insane, stupid even.

'Why am I so happy about this?' Trophy thought to himself, smiling fading slightly before perking back up again. 'he deserved it completely, I did nothing  wrong.' Trophy nodded to himself, taking off his slightly bloody shirt and hiding it under his mattress with the gun he stole.

The jock got onto his mattress and under the covers, making his hair go down from the dreadlock ponytail he had before closing his eyes and trying to sleep.

GOLDEN AGEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora